This feeling stems from resentment and regret, among other emotions, and it’s important to reiterate that what you’re experiencing is valid. It might be hard to let go of a bad situation or the pain from being hurt, but imagine how much more full your life could be if you shut out all of the negativity surrounding you. They've probably suffered frustration and disappointment in the past and adopted their cynical outlook on life as an attempt to cope. Related: 5 Steps To Break Through Self-Sabotage. Why do you do this? They no longer expect success, but don't accept responsibility for their failures; instead, they blame others. Letting go doesn't mean that you forgive or forget, it just means that you aren't focusing on it or letting it rule you. Always leave room for new and beautiful elements in your heart and life. Unlike some other complicated mindsets and issues, the signs of bitterness are a little easier to see. It can be a hard cycle to break but that change begins within us. Let me warn you, holding a grudge can damage your life in ways you cannot imagine. If you find yourself angry with everyone and refusing all invitations, you might be a bitter individual.

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Choose things to add to your calendar that will make you feel good. Whining or generating drama to get the sympathy of others will most likely backfire. It’s a human trait to protect ourselves, which often means ignoring just how involved we are in our own consciousness. Guilt is a huge part of resentment, be it feeling guilty about our decisions in the past or feeling guilty and regretful of how we have treated someone. Energy spent on gaining this momentary recognition could be better spent on nurturing inner resources. Holding grudges, being jealous and focusing on negativity can only bring you down. Having a bitter personality doesn’t mean being a bad person. By taking some control and actively making a decision to look after ourselves, the way we feel about ourselves will change. Misery loves company, mainly because it never has guests. I get discouraged, but I know that I have the strength and willpower to overcome this demon. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be aiming to minimize it. Focusing on the negative is extremely limiting to you. The physical act of writing things down can make a huge difference to how you feel. However, it can be taken too far and you can end up making things worse for yourself.
In his Psychology Today article, Diamond suggests that jaded, bitter people never learned appropriate ways to manage the inevitable disappointments of life. If you practice saying positive things when you wake up in the morning, that’s a start. Any energy you give them will be detracted from positive and productive formations. Smile at it, and let go.

They often feel so sorry for themselves that it’s very hard for anyone else to feel compassion for them. Most bitter tastes are treatable, and a person may be able to manage this symptom while a doctor diagnoses the cause. Well, if you’re not happy and they are, your bitterness becomes stronger. Yes, it may be that other people make you feel bad or ignite feelings of regret, but you have to look inside as well. This confrontation is not meant to be aggressive, manipulative, or rage-fuelled! We get what we put into life, so feeding negativity will breed negativity.

Many of us get so fixated on these feelings of bitterness that we forget to check in with how we’re actually doing on a day-to-day basis.

Just remember, dealing with your bitterness is your responsibility. As a survivor of childhood trauma and multiple types of abuse, she is an advocate for mental health awareness. Letting them know how important forgiveness is to life is imperative.
Most bitter people do not care about others and are jaded: Bitter people do not care about others.