Please do not let down your guard because of the armor, after all, Philip-kakka is our general.”. Blumrush pays well so I don’t wanna get on his bad side… Well, I simply just don’t want enmity from any of the noble lords.”, “But you’re being backed by a criminal syndicate.

Dalam cerita kali ini, Kita akan berfokus kepada tokoh baru Christopher Olsen dan para Pengawal lain nya yang sedang membawa Karavan berisikan biji - …

Remember to spread as far apart as possible when retreating.”, “I understand. A professional individual, though he had complaints of his own, he desired to maintain friendly relations and be diplomatic. “You seem relaxed. The top brass had decided on this already, but the word never got to me, so it’s just a misunderstanding.
Christopher opened up a mental image of a map to confirm that they were indeed making good progress. Though he wondered if they were perhaps a bit too skinny, they were definitely healthier compared to his overweight body. I’m truly the greatest!

Christopher belonged to the smuggling division, so the management of loans should have been by his superiors in the same division.

The lord here had potential worthy of Christopher’s attention, and no way was he the type to mobilize villagers to attack caravans. Or is it better to leave ‘em where they stand?”, One of the villagers checking the wagons asked timidly.
{Well, now I can’t show this pathetic duo that I’m irritated by my soldiers’ low morale, can I? It’s an illusion! What are we doing? }, “Ah, umm, my lord. He was allowing the grain to be taken away, but he knew the exact quantity and what exactly was in the cargo. The other villagers chimed in, it was what was bothering Philip as well. Christopher Olsen, a member of said division, sported the face of an honest merchant. According to intel, a Sorcerous Kingdom’s caravan would be passing through this place. If he wanted to avoid that kind of situation, he should have an excuse for himself at the very least - he should act in a way that makes it possible to shift responsibility to someone else. However, hiring extra mercenaries would be seen as a sign of distrust towards the men. He was given the task of handling the transport of grain being shipped from the Sorcerer Kingdom to the Holy Kingdom. Philip tried his hardest to stop his sense of superiority from showing up in his voice. During the past, he used to supply alcohol to some tavern in the capital city that was being funded by the Eight Fingers. You don’t think anyone’s going to attack?”, “Hm? As his territory will inevitably expand, so too would his status grow. His horse looked bored and lifeless, like a farm horse instead of a warhorse. Their faces were both covered save for the eyes, but he still knew who they were. Soon their silhouettes could no longer be seen in the forest.