Food & History is published thanks to the financial support from the Ministère de l'Education nationale, Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, Université François-Rabelais de Tours, and the Conseil Régional du Centre. The Portuguese and Spanish Empires opened up sea trade routes that linked food exchange across the world. 'Rural History, N.P. It embraces social, economic, religious, political, agronomical and cultural aspects of food and nutrition. Smaller portion sizes developed around this time due to various cultural influences, and these large, table-long meals were essentially picked at by the nobility. 1.1 (2003), pp.
in Pilcher, ed., Fernando Collantes, "Nutritional transitions and the food system: expensive milk, selective lactophiles and diet change in Spain, 1950-65. "Understanding Korean food culture from Korean paintings. | robertgeorge23, Fad diets and the decline of the American diet | The Candy Shop, I Can Believe it’s Not Butter – Kyle Huewe, The Cheez Whiz Generation – Mundy's Mental Pause, Who Pays to Dispose of Food Packaging? In the 1930s, with the Great Depression looming, families had to get by with less, be super-thrifty and stretch meals … reducing protein and adding more vegetables and beans. With World War II raging, the 1940s saw rationing to feed the fighting soldiers. Una rivista di nuova storia? ", "The Potato's Contribution to Population and Urbanization: Evidence from a Historical Experiment", "The end of animal sacrifice - History of religion", "My Jewish Learning - Judaism & Jewish Life", "Food Timeline: food history research service",, How many calories?

Food & History is a fully-fledged academic journal which applies the usual methodical instruments for assessing incoming articles, i.e. Muslims brought rice to Sicily in the 9th century. The health benefits were immediate. Wealthier households now had ice boxes or electric refrigerators, which made for better storage and the convenience of buying in larger quantities. However, by way of acknowledgement, the names of external referees are regularly published, usually in the last issue of each volume. 6 Dangerous Preservatives Lurking in Your Food | Snacks For Sophie, Food Consciousness in the Finger Lakes » Lively Run Goat Dairy, Junk Food Jungle: How your Health became a Game - The GOODista, Processed Foods Through the Years | Yummy For You and Me, Processed Food In The 1950 « Recipes for Health, What can food do for you? BBC Magazine's lengthy history of the tin can begins with the story of British inventor and businessman Bryan Donkin, who bought a patent for a tin food container designed to be sealed and heated to preserve food.