Due to Kol being in the body of a consecrated witch when he died, his spirit was able to stay in the Ancestral Plane of New Orleans witches.

However, the spell failed, destroying their plan to help Hope. Wise immediately contacted the State Department, where Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles pretended to be surprised. Albert spent a total of £8,000 on the operation,[53] which reduced the weight of the diamond from 186 old carats (191 modern carats or 38.2 g) to its current 105.6 carats (21.12 g). Upset at his situation, Kol discovered his nose was bleeding before getting a call from Finn. Later, Kol gave Esther the stake when Rebekah arrived, happy to see Kol and recognizing his smirk. Duleep Singh and his mother empress Jind Kaur, had till then resided in Jammu, the kingdom governed by Gulab Singh.[41]. Despite that, not long after, a grieving Kol appeared to Van in the cemetery, needing to put the blame on someone for the failure. Rebekah however, said she doesn't want to do this, and she wants to get Kol back to her, and after Freya healed the body of Eva, Rebekah returned to it and went from New Orleans to find a way to bring him back. Kol picked up an aluminum bat, though he still wasn't comfortable with them since that type of baseball bat had not been around when Kol was daggered but acknowledged it wouldn't break when he used it. In Catch Me If You Can, Kol discovered the group of vampires Klaus had turned and sicked on Jeremy, in order for him to kill them so that his Hunter's Mark would grow. [49] At first, the stone was put inside a gilded birdcage, but after complaints about its dull appearance, the Koh-i-Noor was moved to a case with black velvet and gas lamps in the hope that it would sparkle better. They're currently traveling together until they are forced to separate due to housing pieces of the Hollow's soul in their bodies. However, she put up a magical barrier so he wouldn't be able to leave, telling him that he'd stay there until the veil went back up that night. The plan worked, much to Klaus and Rebekah's relief. He scolded Damon for breaking his neck at the ball, killing Finn and for humiliating him. In spite of everything, as well as her promise, Rebekah returned to her original body and helped Elijah replace Kol's ashes, thus leaving him dead. The manner of his aiding in the transfer of the diamond was criticized even by some of his contemporaries in Britain. A base power of 1 means that the move deals fixed damage or its base power varies depending on the situation. Marcel questioned him on what his real plans were with Davina but when Kol kept quiet, trying to entice Marcel to join him, Marcel stabbed him in the hand. and Elijah realized that Kol wasn't able to control himself. Kol tried to beat him with Papa Tunde's blade but was overpowered by Marcel's new power. In They All Asked For You, Kol was mentioned a number of times by his siblings. Kol entering the castle with his siblings. He then told her about how his sister, Rebekah, who had helped him back then.

Kol discusses The Ancestors with Davina and Vincent. A devastated Kol begged Davina's lifeless body to wake up before scornfully demanding that Van try again. When Tyler and Caroline came to fix the damages to the house that Kol had made in the struggle, and in Tyler's case, gloat to Klaus, they found tarp and draped it over Kol's body, covering it so Klaus no longer had to see it, looking very somber as they did. After a discussion with Klaus, Marcel decided to spare the Mikaelsons on the condition that they never return to New Orleans. [65] British officials said that a variety of claims meant it was impossible to establish the diamond's original owner,[66] and that it had been part of Britain's heritage for more than 150 years. Kol watched as Marcel convinced his vampires to not harm the citizens when the barrier dropped and make it to the blood bags across the river. After she made him a daylight ring, Kol is reunited with all of his siblings and received a warm welcome from all his siblings except for his murderous brother Finn and Rebekah who was daggered for her own safety after being afflicted by the Cursed Stake. They performed the spell, blocking the stake's power while Klaus was stabbed.