It has 100 percent DV (daily value) of at least 11 vitamin and minerals. Its vitamin, and mineral supplements make it a healthful meal substitute. All 6 varieties have 100% DV of zinc, folic acid, calcium, iron and a number of B vitamins.

One of the highest-fortified cereals.

When buying cereal, Minchen suggests looking for whole grain cereals fortified with B6, B12, and folic acid.

Fortification is meant to improve people’s levels of particular nutrients and is common for foods that adults and children typically eat, such as grains, milk, and juice. According to the AND (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics), whole grains contain the germ, the bran, and the endosperm of the grain; on the other hand, refined grains contain only endosperm. Total was introduced in 1961 and at that time was the benchmark for cereal that is healthy and advancement in fortification with vitamin. Great food choices for breakfast, dessert, as well as snacks are cereals; in fact the FDA advises that cereals fortified with minerals and vitamins add nutrients that might be missing in many peoples diets. One serving also contains 7 fiber grams and only 1 gram of fat. Kellogg's Frosted Flakes are fortified with 10 vitamins and minerals. What is fortified cereal? One serving of Special K contains 120 calories and 45 % DV of iron. Total was introduced in 1961 and at that time was the benchmark for cereal that is healthy and advancement in fortification with vitamin. Fortification is unlike enhancement which substitutes nutrients lost while processing. Kellogg's strengthens Frosted Flakes with 10 % DV of vitamin A, C, D and palmitate, 25 % DV of iron, niacinimide, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, folic acid and vitamin B12. Wheaties is made by General Mills and is a fortified cereal. Cardiac Diet: It's Easier Than What You May Think, Types of Cereals Fortified with Other Nutrition. Food fortification or enrichment is the process of adding micronutrients (essential trace elements and vitamins) to food.It can be carried out by food manufacturers, or by governments as a public health policy which aims to reduce the number of people with dietary deficiencies within a population.

The nuggets are with 90 % DV of iron. It has 100 percent DV (daily value) of at least 11 vitamin and minerals.

What Is Fortified Cereal, and Is It Healthy? It does not contain any nuts or grapes, but it has a high nutritional value. Any ready-to-eat cereals that list a whole grain as their first ingredient must also be fortified unless the cereal is 100 percent whole grain, according to the USDA .