All 3 times were on large databases (~70GB) using HyperBac to back up to a network drive. I eventually had to End Task a few times on the HyperBac process. Posting Yak Master, monty Right now I ran the SQL monitor.exe from : ... but when it can't connect to a SQL instance it will left some code in the tempDB of the SQL server it failed to connect: ... but just causion about the if the left behind process will kill the tempdb and now... at this moment, it will not.... so I am ok with this.

This actually would have fixed my problem, but being that the system is in production, I wanted to find a better way. Just "simple" real time monitoring ? A lot of people only experience DTC because of SQL and make the mistake that it is all part of SQL Server - it isn't. From the sysprocesses table results, find the spid for the process.

experts to answer whatever question you can come up with. If you have a large amount of servers, consider using PowerShell’s SMO capabilities to query a list of servers and compile the information into a database table. just simple real time monitoring tools .

Experts Exchange always has the answer, or at the least points me in the correct direction!

1) Overview, 2) Processes, 3) Resources Waits, 4) Data File I/O, 5) Recent Expensive Queries.

READ MORE. can see why it related to the DTC as I run the software from other nodes but I don't connect it via that node. Execute the statement Kill spid where spid is the actual ID that is shown. Monitoring Processes in T-SQL. your help is really appreciate.

?how to kill this process.? I plan on upgrading to 4.2.x soon, but server reboots are required. *This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google The database backup file was not actively being written to, and since backups are serialized commands, any subsequent attempt to backup the database while that process is running will be unsuccessful. Using a similar approach, I recently discovered a database that had missed being backed up for 2 days over the weekend.

I decided to wait and see how long it would take. Whatever the reason, I opened a ticket with HyperBac and was told that version 4.2.x fixes this situation. Posting Yak Master, HiHaving problem to kill user process.OS: windows server 2003database version: sql server 2005i want to kill user process.when i tried to kill user process using its spid... kill 57i got error SPID 57: transaction rollback in progress. Our community of experts have been thoroughly vetted for their expertise and industry experience. dbachecks validates SQL Server environments using crowdsourced DBA checklists and outputs to Power BI , SQL Backup Process Hanging and Stuck in Kill/Rollback – HyperBac, SQL 2008 Installation Failure on Reporting Services, Permanently Change a Static IP Address in SCO. Once I killed the process, it went into a rollback state, which is expected.

You have KILLed it and that is why you cannot kill it again. your help is really appreciate.thanks, hi everyone.i found solution in my case.i restart my production server so that process gone.everything is fine.but in any case if your rollback process being blocked then Kick everyone off the database, stop all jobs and wait for it to complete.thanks, Sometimes it may happen that your processes will hunge and to fix that you need to restart the server, but before restating the server I would recommend you to restart the services.ManojMCP, MCTS. Terms of Service apply. Starting Member, sodeep You can't kill sysadmin. Become a member today and access the collective knowledge of thousands of technology experts. sp_who and sp_who2 And, on a personal note, I do have a lot of time for acperkins. IS that Spid Sysadmin? Can you show the script you used for backup? Activity Monitor is a handy tool in SQL Server to quickly see performance hot spots in the server, network and database activity. You might need to choose a quieter time depending on your environment because any other apps relying on DTC might generate error messages for your active users, but would only be momentarily, they could retry and continue on. You can query the MSDB database in order to find out the last time a database was backed up. One of the most commonly performed tasks in Activity Monitor is to kill a stubborn connection that will not release its resources. From the sysprocesses table results, find the spid for the process.

8+ characters (letters, numbers, and a symbol). (Get your first solution completely free - no credit card required). After many hours I returned to find that the rollback was still at 16% and the waittime was STILL increasing. oh,, forget you are at works now.. you are in Europe ? Estimated time remaining: 448373 seconds.i also found that this process has suspended status and wait_type is BACKUPTHREADone more thing i wait to complete rollback transcation since last 3 days.but after 3 days getting same error and estimated time increase every time i issue KILL command.even i tried activity monitor to kill process.but no luckis there any way to slove this issue??