FDAPs can also be awarded to institutions in the further education sector. If the site contains content that does not yet reflect the withdrawal of the United Kingdom, it is unintentional and will be addressed. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. What is Higher Education Institution (HEI) 1. The legal basis of Cardiff Metropolitan University, on the other hand, as a higher education corporation operating under an Instrument of Government and Articles of Government, was established by the Education Reform Act 1988, as for other post-1992 universities in the UK. Its policy is to give priority to papers that are relevant to the international higher education research and policy community. Many students may elect to enroll in online programs that allow them to be employed or be at home with family due to the unstable environment.

Both documents indicate the criteria that must be met to gain taught and research degree awarding powers (TDAP and RDAP, respectively). Typically, higher education enrollments are counter-cyclical, but it is unclear how that will evolve in this crisis. By late fall, with at least one foot upon terra firma, they can begin to reframe their future. Mother. Next (building enterprise resiliency) and Beyond (reframing your future), Show article references#Hide article references, EY-Parthenon perspectives: higher education COVID-19 crisis (pdf). Passionate about the private sector‘s role in advancing outcomes. Frequent speaker at global industry gatherings. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated economic disruptions come at a challenging time for the US higher education sector. There are two recognised representative bodies for higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK. A franchise arrangement, which can cover all or part of a programme, means that a student is registered at a HEI that receives the funding and is responsible for quality assurance. Shelter those who need to remain on campus, Stand up crisis center and communication PMO, Enhance remote learning with online learning tools, Support faculty and students with technical/pedagogical challenges, Address equity issues associated with remote learning, Plan for remote/online in the fall as a contingency, Deploy retention and accepted-student care teams, Enhance online learning capabilities and migrate all courses to high-quality online offerings (vs. remote learning), Assure safety of staff and community (duty of care), Create a crisis center and communication project management office (PMO), Adapt business processes for administrative staff, Develop remote workforce options for both faculty and staff, Modify and readjust remote operations as necessary, Enhance business processes around remote operations (e.g., systems, technology, training), Ensure cybersecurity protocols for altered technology infrastructure are in place, Repurpose or dispose of unneeded property, plant and equipment (PP&E), Invest in online learning infrastructure (e.g., instructional designers, learning management systems (LMS), sound studios), Understand short-term liquidity requirements, Assess cash needs through summer and fall, Assess impact to debt covenant ratios, potential covenant amendments, and Title IV access/ composite score, Reprioritize capital spend to extend liquidity runway, Preserve cash and determine working capital actions, Prepare for insurance and federal aid (e.g., FEMA) compliance, Strategize how to build out urban and rural broadband infrastructure to address remote working and learning, Connect with political leaders to identify emergency funding opportunities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Communicate with key political leaders and educate them on the impact of the crisis and need for relief, [For public universities] Advocate that universities be eligible for refundable tax credits that the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFRCA) provided for private employers, Request regulatory flexibility including, but not limited to the following:  support for graduate students and the cost for research activities, Determine the feasibility of accessing capital through low- or no-interest loans. Recommendations included expanding HE in FE part-time delivery in critical economic sectors; examining how HEFCW’s funding and quality assurance arrangements can support the development of HE in FE provision; and HEFCW exploring the possibility of strengthening guidance on franchise agreements between colleges and universities to support strategic planning between and provide stability to the two sectors. Other types of higher education award, such as certificates and diplomas, are not protected by law and may be granted by any organisation.