Cereal is definitely NOT a soup. Listen, you can eat cereal at 6 p.m., no one refutes that. The debate at hand argues that cereal is a soup because it has solid chunks floating in a liquid mass (forgive the imagery). Zuppa Inglese is neither soup nor English, much the same as Grape Nuts are neither grapes nor nuts. Fourth, soups are almost always[4] cooked or otherwise further processed beyond pouring the ingredients into the broth and dunking them with a spoon until they become saturated. No. Even tomato soup involves interactions between different ingredients, rendering it a soup. Relevance. And they aren’t. Still have questions?

“And because dessert soups exist, cereal could be a dessert soup.” But would you eat dessert soups besides cereal for breakfast, the meal that cereal is invariably deemed to be? But corn flakes taste good, so there you have it.

Cereal is a soup. It’s a suspension of edible stuff in an edible liquid. Nope. Soup is a category too, because there are different kinds of soup.

Cereal starts crunchy and cold, and progressively gets soggy and warm. Do you eat your Frosted Flakes in chicken broth? But what is "soup?" 4 mins ago. 1 year ago. What is cereal compared to soup, and is it right to classify both as the same substance? They way i eat cereal makes it a soup. Soup is eaten to calm or heal the body. The path to righteousness will be paved with the broken bones and blood of these sinners and i will rejoice in the reckoning i will bring. ).”, Sixth, if you don’t believe all of this, take it from the Supreme Court that common sense rules above your belief that something “technically” belongs in a certain category. He claimed the whole grains would aid in digestion (which they do) and good eliminations would curb sexual desires. In my opinion serial is technically soup. Because MILK is NOT soup. Cereal is its own catagory, soup is its own catagory. Cereal is cold. Plus, cereal eaten as a nice healthy breakfast. Is Cereal a soup? We’re weird that way. Login to reply the answers Post; Bubba Gubbins . You think squirrels care about whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich?

My rage is ubiquitous and i am untethered and unending.

Wait... As you can see, you eventually run into this baffling, silly cycle. Burning Questions: A Climate Change Series, Part 1, Q&A: How LeBron Could Change Public Education with I Promise School. Your opinion will change, Or you can call me at the number below and let me know if you need anything else from me yes it's a soup for dinner tonight and then I can you know lova ya but I don't think I will be in touch with her and I think I, Almost all the main dictionaries state something like this: soup is a liquid or primarily liquid food especially/ normally made with a broth and vegetables and or meat. I would say it's biggest difference is that it's solely based on milk, grains, chocolate, peanut butter, fruits or other sweet/desert sugary consistency. So, with that said, is cereal really soup? A deep dive on the Internet reveals that this debate has been going on for quite some time and that many different sites have explored this question. Humans love to categorize things. What is soup? And to the argument that milk is not a broth, they point to broccoli cheddar soup—whose main “broth” ingredient is milk—for why that also can’t be the solution.

6 mins ago. [7] Please, someone, tell me how one thinks this definition includes cereal in the first place. IT TASTES NOTHING LIKE CAMPBELLS CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP!!

So there. When it comes to that stuff, he was 100 percent banana-salad insane.

Similarity in structure does not equal similarity in function.

“But dessert soups do exist,” the haters shout.

NO you put broth, therefore feral and soup are completely different. Look back to the math above. The Debate Ends Here: Why Cereal is Not a Soup, https://www.debate.org/opinions/is-breakfast-cereal-a-soup, Law Weekly Tips for Surviving Quarantine →. Cereal with milk = cereal. I know you “cereal is a soup” folks have proven your unreasonableness, but let’s be above the noise and see the truth for what it is. It is a soup because a traditional soup has a broth with another component suspended under it, So does cereal, The milk is the broth component, And it could be argued that you do not heat soup, But then I would like to bring the table, Hot soup, Or porridge. Is cereal a soup? I hope. Thinking about their separate definitions, it is easier to distinguish the limitations of their categories. Soup is soup. If someone said ‘I ate soup for breakfast,’ not even the cereal-is-a-soup folks would think that person meant they ate cereal for breakfast. Words have meaning, and that meaning comes about by a consensus among the population, and the consensus is that cereal is not soup.

Cereal has dairy. 1 1. There are creamy soups out there which involve cooking broth and dairy, but simply adding milk to grains doesn't make it soup. NO!

… It's called "cereal" and it's a category, because there is different kinds of cereal. This means that "cereal" itself is not a soup. Cereal is not soup much the same way that a shark is not a dolphin.

Favorite Answer. You will be crucified, Nailed to a cross of lies with nails of illogic, And a thorny crown of degeneracy.

There are many foods that seem similar because they have a liquid property but fall under different categories. Answer Save.