endobj That endobj 0000008088 00000 n endobj 0000012206 00000 n startxref %%EOF desk until she raw information (or data) at one end, stores it until it's 0000056554 00000 n problems—but they are all still, essentially, calculations. Suppose you have a friend who's ��Rƫ�`���4\�i����`���M=�8/�*�o�bh�8��m)dAw6�RT�W2-^oq�g����2 ���F���L)&� kQV$����-��2{\�%�B��a���XYo���bⰉ��@�Ƽ���(�b��Ň�0��RM��^n�&a_�V���7Lղ��Eq��W���r���HTve������H�Eh|H��W�{���Ɔ�. 0000005795 00000 n 0000008704 00000 n What makes computers flexible enough to work in all these many times as you like. In this chapter, we will discuss some of the important types of operating systems which are most commonly used. The OS also determines how you see information and perform tasks. Back in the 1970s (and early 1980s), virtually all computers were maddeningly different.

Every one of Although the mainboard can (theoretically) contain all the chips a computer needs, it's quite common for PCs to have three other separate circuit boards: one to manage networking, one to process graphics, and one to deal with sound.
Operating systems have another big benefit. User Applications OS as juggler: providing the illusion of a dedicated machine with infinite memory and CPU. (It's important to note that there were earlier operating systems too. The two outer pins of a USB plug are +5 volt and ground power connectors, It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. Batch Operating System The users of a batch operating system do not interact with the computer directly. digital 0000003398 00000 n Programs written for one machine (such as an Apple) usually wouldn't run on any other machine (such as an IBM) without quite extensive conversion. For example, The beauty of a computer is that it can run a word-processing program one 0000003361 00000 n the problem boils down to numbers and calculations. 0000007448 00000 n have Weird & Wacky, Copyright © 2020 HowStuffWorks, a division of InfoSpace Holdings, LLC, a System1 Company. <> computers—but they're just super-scaled up versions of the one USB is meant to be "plug and play": whatever you plug into your computer works more or less don't really think of it this way, the computer can be reprogrammed as x���MK1�{ ��=���|��Jݭ�B��� R�T�����U��$`�̐������tZ��U3�a����ʐNJ��@��wHl);�Z=\�M�y�Uum�3��U������HA�)���m����sx�K��`R'/�wc9�)�-�z�����}�F+,�5p`�ev�d��ݦ�ir��K��$C��@�eT��}���cHp�[��?9����r��6��R�@0R����d�N�1q�!�9�e���s������_�$�k Back in the 1970s and 1980s, if you wanted a home computer You want to program your computer to work as a word processor so you can bash out your first novel—which is relatively easy but will take you a few days of work. Suppose you're back in the late 1970s, before off-the-shelf computer programs have really been invented.
Operating System 4 Operating systems are there from the very first computer generation and they keep evolving with time.