The following steps delete the Forms Switchboard and substitute a button that opens the Contact Types form directly: Click the Change Switchboard Items button of the Main Switchboard to open the Switchboard Manager dialog. Open the Visual Basic Editor by pressing Ctrl+G. Access. Starting with a prebuilt switchboard saves a substantial amount of design work and VBA code writing. It makes your database behave like a software application of its own.

-- Jerry Whittle, Microsoft Access MVP Light. Is there a way to minimize the switchboard manager when you click a button to open a form automatically? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Figure 3.29 Select the Enter/View Other Information item to change the navigation process. The mcrPrintOrdersReport macro is a simple macro that opens and prints the first page of the Orders report. Articles Once I upgraded the file to an .accdb file, the Switchboard Manager selection on the Database Tools ribbon disappeared. GENERAL.


The Microsoft Office Access 2007 relational database manager enables information workers to quickly track and report information with ease thanks to its interactive design capabilities that do not require deep database knowledge.

Using the Switchboard Manager. When you click it, the Orders page appears. In fact it is very easy to find out the Switchboard Manager button in Access 2007 ribbon: Click the Database Tools tab; Go to the Database Tools group; Then you will view the Switchboard Manager button. The Switchboard Manager will appear with a single default entry named Main Switchboard. If you need any more help just drop me a line, I'll e-mail you a sample database if you want. Great! However, I would use: That worked perfectly. How do I fix it? Has it been removed from this version, or do I need to add a Reference to be able to use it? Should be the same way.

It is using a Switchboard, but in Access 2010, I can't seem to find the Switchboard Manager. Choose the Switchboard Manager after then tap to the Add option. A little knowledge of some simple macros is helpful in building switchboards. Thanks for marking this as the answer. The options apply only to the current database. As you work through the steps in the following example, pay special attention to the titles of the various dialog boxes; they can help you fix your position in the switchboard-making process. Figure 3.28 Select and delete the Forms Switchboard in the Switchboard manager. (I've assumed you've already told Access not to show the Welcome window again.) Replace the existing content of the Text text box with Enter/View Contact Types, and select Open Form in Edit Mode from the Command drop-down list (see Figure 3.31).