Sulfur has always been used here.And people are convinced it is ok, because your body needs sulfur.Yes, your body does but it needs "organic" sulfur, which comes from plants , like beets. ", "Chelsea, the proteins are very different in almond milk, so I would not expect the same results as with dairy products. Which treatment would be most effective? Copy and past link is below for the full, very interesting article. Powdery mildew can quickly spread to nearby leaves, so it's always a good idea to clip out leaves that show early spotting. Since then, numerous small studies from around the world have validated the use of milk sprays on powdery mildew on a wide range of plants. Get Milk! That is not true of the study you cite, however. The leaves have a milk coating on them which is drying up now and blowing away in the wind. Not only was milk found to be effective at controlling the disease, it also acted as a foliar fertilizer, boosting the plant’s immune system. Neem oil is made from the seeds and fruit of the evergreen neem tree, and it is powerful enough to kill powdery mildew in less than 24 hours. My cucumbers are up and should be putting out vines by next week. Been lucky so far, but will be trying the household stuff first if I spot it at any time. Pirates.
I've done well without problems until last year. Question: What plants (shrubs) are resistant to powdery mildew fungus?

Treat the powdery mildew now, and then weekly until the fungus is gone. ", "I carefully followed this advice and the advice from commenters on the milk to water ratio but the problem continued to worsen and my pumpkin vines died last summer. ", "I have a mature peony plant that didn't have many flowers this year and now it is covered with mildew. The experience taught me another painful garden lesson... experiment on 1 plant 1st. For a Homeopathic remedy use Silicea or Sulphur. Trim off infected leaves and stems and dispose of them properly. So if you’re looking to garden organically and need a solution to deal with powdery mildew than you’ve come to the right place. This is so useful to know for next season, when I watch over my container garden.

", "Thanks very much!

", "Saheed, there is no research to support use of milk spray on downy mildew, but you could try it as a preventative. Then the age of fungicides began, with no further published research on the milk cure until 1999.
Corn. Each of these unrelated plants hosts a different strain of powdery mildew, but I have found that they all can be controlled with regular sprays of milk and water. There are a large variety of hybrid plants that are resistant or tolerant to the growth of powdery mildew. It is extremely difficult for me to have drip systems on everything.PM is a very big problem. I wonder if any of the rest of you have any experience with this? ", "My grapes do have a milk residue on them. Was as comprehensive. The problem is that dampness contributes to DM, so spraying anything could make problems worse. Iam very successful. I have one that needs attention…, 2009 study by the University of Connecticut, free radicals that are toxic to the fungus. Its pretty late in the season but maybe I'll have blooms if I protect the new growth. ...ive had this powdery on my houseplants...ive been, organic purchased product..doesnt seem to do the job..i love baking soda/ products 4 many uses..i will try this..and also milk..thanku.