Happiness comes with pet ownership, but there are also potential negatives. The last use worked fine the day before. But people who chose this plan usually fall well below the recommended daily caloric intake of 1,500 to 2,500 calories and spend a lot of time feeling hungry and fatigued.

Dinner should consist of a serving of broiled or baked chicken or fish, or lean meat, and a side of vegetables and/or a baked potato. The Special K diet is one of those unusual slimming plans that has caught the fascination of the nation. google_ad_width = 580; Since most doctors and nutritionists recommend eating five or six smaller meals per day, the Special K Diet could be effective and even considered healthy on a limited basis; a bowl of Special K with a cup of skim milk and fresh strawberries is around 190 calories per serving. The elderly may be more sensitive to the side effects of ibuprofen, especially side effects involving the digestive tract and kidneys. It is made of whole grain wheat, rice, wheat bran, soluble wheat fiber, and … //-->. It also allows occasional snacks between meals, such as fruit or Special K cereal bars.