Some of the best choices would be wholewheat cereal biscuits (aka Weetabix) Shredded wholegrain pillows (aka Shredded Wheat) and porridge oats. The Special K diet is a 14-day program – which sees dieters replacing two of their daily meals with a bowl of the cereal and some (ideally low-fat) milk. ‘Substituting cereal for higher-calorie meals can help people trim calories and fat. There are no costs involved as all the details of the Special K Diet along with menu plans, meal suggestions and recipes are available on the Special K Challenge website.

Fruits – Peach, apple, orange, grapefruit, watermelon, musk melon, plum, and pomegranate.

It’s high in fibre: Helping you to feel full and less prone to snacking. Nutrition – The simple truth is – Special K is better than what most people eat, but it still contains such gems as High Fructose Corn Syrup. The Special K Diet promises a weight loss of up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks. 100ml of full fat milk adds 68 calories (188 cal total) Special K is low in fat and makes it easy to cut out fatty meals by replacing them with cereal at just 150-200 calories a bowl (depending on your portion size and choice of milk). Dieters are encouraged to snack on fruits and vegetables throughout the day, as well as Special K cereal bars, and then enjoy a normal, balanced meal as their third meal of the day. It could get boring: Eating the same thing 14 times in one week could start to grate after a while. But according to the Special K Challenge, you could lose up to 6 pounds in 14 days if you eat cereal or other Special K products for breakfast and lunch, plus a regular dinner. It’s straightforward without too much weighing and measuring (once you’ve measured the serving size a couple of times you’ll know what to do without scales). Dieters may find themselves desperate for a change on day three. Although calorie counting is not required the actual calorie intake is in accordance with requirements for weight loss for most individuals. edit: Just found out - … Herbs – Coriander leaves, oregano, rosemary, thyme, and dill. The lack of variation in this diet may lead to boredom as well as potentially compromised nutrient intake.
Warfarin (Coumadin) works by decreasing the chemical reactions Kellogg’s quotes the results of a scientific study supporting their diet, which showed that 3 out of 4 dieters achieved a slimmer waist and hips and lost up to six pounds over a two-week period. "Cereals ready-to-eat, KELLOGG, KELLOGG'S SPECIAL K", NDB 8067, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Hence, "thinning" your blood. Vitamin K is often found in food.

Vitamin K is essential for those reactions. Kelloggs would love that, but hopefully after two weeks you will have learned to eat less and control your portions better. Water and diluted fruit juices are recommended.