Over medium gives a creamy yolk that’s still easily grabbed by small hands. So I wouldn’t serve all three together until you know your little one doesn’t have a reaction with any of them. They are healthy kids and adults.

You know how I feel about introducing youngsters to real food as soon as possible and just look at the grin on that boy! :).

It will look like there's not enough liquid, but once the peppers start to break down it will be wet enough. Posted on February 18, 2016. Gorgeous images!!

It’s not always so nicely plated and photo-worthy.

Don’t tell anyone – the biscuits we had were pre-made because nobody’s perfect, and they were delicious haha. When serving stir-fry, we’ll either give her a little sauce or none at all. Those photos are pure magic! Add to the bowl. Dinner was a simple plate with some tried-and-true favorites: stir-fry veggies and beans.

Unfortunately that seems to include soil from plant pots and leaves these days :p. Sounds like the little guy is looking for some roughage.

The other stuff... beans and chicken looked positively revolting! nice piece of roast beef which he chomped down on with great gusto, Marta @ What should I eat for breakfast today.

Avocado would’ve been a great “cool down” side to offer. Slice the onions while the oil heats in a large pan. She doesn’t self-feed with spoons yet so with chilis we drain a bit of the liquid and let her grab the chunky stuff with her hands – its messy and she loves it. By continuing to browse this site you are allowing FiveEuroFood.com to store cookies in your web browser as well as employing the use of technology which tracks interests and browsing habits in order to serve web advertising. The freeze dried strawberries were a first and became an instant favorite; they’re like baby candy! Eggs are usually a hit, but she definitely prefers fried over scrambled. To make this in the slow-cooker, follow the first three steps, then simply add all the other components and cook for 8-12 hours. I flattened them a bit until my son was around 14 or 15 months, but otherwise let him have at them. The good thing about this is that it'd make a great "adult" dish, although I'd grind it up a bit more coarsely for myself. But if you are looking to reduce your meat intake, this is a great recipe to start with. And daddy is feeding him with some protein rich flavorfull kidney bean puree. I honestly can’t remember when I first heard about BLW; I do know that it very quickly became the right fit for our family.

Hope things are well with you! How do you prepare black beans for babies with baby-led weaning? We just do the best with what we have at the time and try to have fun along the way. While the onions are cooking, crush the garlic cloves, chop the chillies and slice the peppers. Breakfast is our favorite meal and also the easiest to prepare (coincidence?). All the chillies I’ve binned over the years!

Does he look like he’s suffering? If your child is having a health emergency, please call 911 or your emergency services number immediately.

It's fun to see what he enjoys or doesn't! So far he really enjoyed the one with carrot, potato and sage! If you pop them in the freezer, they keep really well. I want him to experience all the wonderful flavours I can! We didn’t have any at the time so I went with a few crackers and some broccoli that had been made for dinner. more information Accept, This website uses cookies. That seems to include soil from plant pots right now though, lol!