• Keep the irritation factor low: Avoid accusing/criticising the wrong politicians/party. • State the topic in the subject line of your email. Thread starter purplex; Start date May 22, 2009; P. purplex New Member. Bronwyn Bishop (MacKellar) Tel: (02) 6277 4000 Fax: (02) 6277 2050 That is unlikely to happen while-ever the Party is arguing amongst itself; or, if Malcolm Turnbull were to succeed in his deceitful behaviour and his undermining of Tony Abbott. They were all together in one place on the Canadian government web site. Please help if you can! Don’t have the most recent Office version, but they can import the older formats. document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s); 3. If you are not sure of the views of the person or political party you are contacting, either research the matter, ask them, or just inform them of your views and why they should support same.

jan.tinetti@parliament.govt.nz; rino.tirikatene@parliament.govt.nz; phil.twyford@parliament.govt.nz; [...], [...] send this message on and email politicians. I’m looking for a current list of every politician’s email – if you have one please send it to my email address they are about to be slammed! Malcolm Turnbull has demonstrated his poor judgement sufficiently through his Godwin Grech debacle and his support of a Carbon (Dioxide) trading scheme before he was replaced by Tony Abbott. We will not sell, rent or give away any of your personal information held by us, including your email address, to any other organisation for any reason. • Thanks is as important as criticism: Politicians/political parties need to be able to tell the ‘other side’ that they have been inundated with calls and letters supporting their position. Can email addresses be guessed? I came here looking for the Minister for aviation. Don’t know your representative? The email addresses have been put to great use. Ian Goodenough (Moore) Tel: (02) 6277 4651 Fax: (02) 6277 2082 The US war has been supported over successive Australian Liberal/Labor governments and the Australian greens having pushed through sanctions during Labors term.
Ewen Jones (Herbert) Tel: (02) 6277 4693 Fax: (02) 6277 8551 Thanks for your efforts. Driven by the left-wing media and the ALPBC. writetothem.com won't give you e-mail addresses - it makes it quite difficult unless you are a constituent. Jo, if you are in or near Brisbane and the video causes you to see things a little differently, would you care to meet with me to discuss? I’d be happy to put the published (15 Aug 18 aph.gov.au ) CSV data into a relational database (MS Access) or Excel spreadsheet. Understand environment and climate change is the main concern here but of course the two are interconnected.. Teresa Gambaro (Brisbane) Tel: (02) 6277 4331 Fax: (02) 6277 8515 is not valid… it should not have the ‘ Lucy Wicks (Robertson) Tel: (02) 6277 4738 Fax: (02) 6277 4739 paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz;nathan.guy@national.org.nz; joanne.hayes@parliament.govt.nz; paula.bennettmp@parliament.govt.nz; daniel.bidois@parliament.govt.nz;  what a week leader this turnbull – he should have sticked to finance not politics – hes too week and too greenie for my liking – no wonder the abc and the sydney morning herald are leaving him alone – pitty he didnt do somwthing with this left wing group in the abc while he was minister for communications I cannot in conscience vote for such an outcome. If you have a moment, watching it will likely bring the reality home of the total waste of time of vast numbers of intelligent, good Australians who thought they might make a difference. Nickolas Varvaris (Barton) Tel: (02) 6277 4626 Fax: (02) 6277 8428 var edCanvas = document.getElementById('comment');
, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.

sarah.dowie@parliament.govt.nz; andrew.falloon@national.org.nz;  Luke Simpkins (Cowan) Tel: (02) 6277 4009 Fax: (02) 6277 8423 [...], [...] Carbon Tax is nuts) – we ask that at the next election you cast your vote with extreme care. Might take a day. It’s a good idea. Click HERE for the full alphabetical list of all MPs, with links to other information about them.