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National Empañada Day 2018 is observed on Sunday, April 8, 2018; National Empañada Day 2020 is observed on Wednesday, April 8, 2020 Just remember that it's all in good fun, and that there are no winners or losers...except for the people who forgot about this glorious day. Holidays Cuisines NYFTA Members. National Empañada Day 2019 is observed on Monday, April 8, 2019. * Gift Cards ("GCs") sold by Punchbowl, Inc., an authorized and independent reseller of Gift Cards. Your email address will not be published. Popular upcoming holidays you may be interested in. Do you like empanadas? Though this delectable dish originated in Europe, immigrants brought the recipe to various countries around the world where it was adopted and slightly altered to fit the tastes of that particular country. Trademark Licensing Speaking & Appearance Enter our Weekly Contest. Empanadas are made by folding dough around a premade stuffing of chicken, cod, or pork loin. But some historians argue that the true meaning is “Can I have another?” That might not be a historical fact, but we can keep the spirit alive when National Empanada Day comes rolling in on April 8! There is no specific location where this holiday is celebrated. Very much like hand pies, these delicious pastries offer a variety of choices. Argentinians specifically enjoy serving empanadas at a family dinner once a week as well as at parties and special events. Empanadas originated in Spain and Portugal. window.fbl_started = true; Empanadas can be served hot or cold as the main course or as a side dish. The name empanada comes from the Galician, Portuguese and Spanish verb em pandar, meaning to wrap or coat in bread. version : 'v6.0' },100); Each year on April 8th, National Empanada Day recognizes a delicious pastry that comes in several different forms. National Empañada Day 2019 is observed on Monday, April 8, 2019; National Empañada Day 2020 is observed on Wednesday, April 8, 2020; Wondering where we find all of these Days, or if they re even real? try{ if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Starting in the Southern and Southwestern United States where an empanada is called a Creole, the dish becomes a savory meal. Nuchas – Shark Tank and National Empanada Day One Day Apart!