Fill in the values in the deployment page and select the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above checkbox.

Source Code Repository URL: replace with the repository name of your fork.

The APIs provide information about schools, sections, teachers, students, and rosters. Contains methods used for authorization and authentication. Contains the users' access/refresh tokens. Note that in the AAD Application settings, permissions for each Graph API are configured separately: We encourage you to contribute to our samples. from O365 import Connection, FluentInbox.

An O365 Education tenant with Microsoft School Data Sync enabled. Django comes with a user authentication system. Attachments in Office365 are stored seperately from the email in most cases and as such will have to be downloaded and uploaded seperately as well. Learn more. Python-O365 - Office365 for you server.

Only allow logged in users to access the protected resources. This is a great way to get up and running quickly with a Python web app that calls the Microsoft Graph API. This web application is a multi-tenant app.

Below are some screenshots of the sample app that show the education data. Apps can use the Azure AD Graph API to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on directory data and directory objects, such as users, groups, and organizational contacts. For more details, see Django authentication system. Only allow admins to access the protected resources. The samples in this repo all do the same thing: prompt the user to log on, and then display their user profile data as JSON. Contains views used for link user accounts.

ADAL Python library is utilized to authenticate users to Active Directory (AD) and obtain tokens. Local users authentication is based on the built-in API: O365 users authentication is implemented with Open ID Connect.

Resource group: we suggest you create a new group. Sign into your GitHub account where you forked this repository. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Below is a piece of code shows how to get group documents from the Microsoft Graph API. You can store email addresses in your contacts list in folders and then use this as a form of mailing list: Connection is a singleton class to take care of all authentication to the Office 365 api.

Contains methods used to access AAD Graph APIs. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio, Accessing Microsoft School Information Sync Sandbox.docx, Register the application in Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph API,, Build a multi-tenant SaaS web application using Azure AD & OpenID Connect, Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient,

This creates a list of attachments local to the instance of Message, as is seen in the Email Printing example: The attachment class stores the files as base64 encoded files. You can also just give it a path to a file if you want to creat an attachment: Events are on a Calendar, Calendars are grouped into a Schedule. Execute the command below: Open in a browser. Select the followings (your selections should match the screenshot below): repo (all) -> repo:status, repo_deployment, public_repo, If you have any trouble running this sample, please, Questions about GraphAPI development in general should be posted to. Simply call a message's getAttachments method to download the attachments locally to your process.

Deploying and running this sample requires: An Azure subscription with permissions to register a new application, and deploy the web app. In the fetch file example in it's processMessage method it work with both an incoming message, m, and prepares an out going message, resp: In this method we pull the BodyPreview, less likely to have Markup, and pull out it's first line to get the path to a file. It handles user accounts, groups, permissions and cookie-based user sessions. The Office 365 Education APIs return data from any Office 365 tenant which has been synced to the cloud by Microsoft School Data Sync. Check to ensure that the build is passing VSTS Build. If you wanted to script sending an email it could be as simple as: To keep the library simple but powerful there are wrapper methods to access most of the attributes: But all attributes listed on the documenation for the Office365 API are available through the json representation stored in the instance of every O365 object: There are two classes for working with emails in O365. ```python Client Secret: use the Key value of the app registration you created earlier. In this sample, we show you how to integrate with school roles/roster data as well as O365 services available via the Graph API. You just have to create a event class: Contacts are a small part of this library, but can have their use. The Schools REST API provides access to school entities in Office 365 for Education tenants.

Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Some permissions used by this app require an administrator of the tenant to consent before users can use the app.

O365 - Microsoft Graph and Office 365 API made easy.