In this section, you configure the DNS settings on the BIG-IP system to point to a DNS server that can resolve your Active Directory server or servers.
Continue with Virtual Server and Pools. On which VLANs should traffic be enabled or disabled? The iApp enables you to use the BIG-IP system's Application Acceleration Manager module to optimize and secure your web traffic over the WAN (wide area network). Type a user name with administrative permissions, Specify your LDAP base tree. To create a new policy, on the Main tab, click Security > Network Firewall > Policies. The system uses the URI you specify in the next question to request content from the SharePoint server. In this case, the iApp creates a TCP profile using the tcp-wan-optimized parent with no additional modifications. If you specified a single address for the virtual server, you may leave this field blank. Could you elaborate on what exactly you have done when you rebuilt the OOS farm? No, do not enable TCP request queuing (recommended) The system will refuse client traffic from these VLANs, and accept traffic from all other VLANs on the system. To add the profile to the SharePoint virtual server. To select any new profiles you create, you need to restart or reconfigure this template. For each public URL to be deployed behind LTM, you must first modify the URL protocol of the internal URL associated with that URL and zone from http:// to https://: and then recreate the http:// URL. First, you must make sure you have enabled the iApp to insert the X-Forwarded-For header. The APM AAA Server contains information on your Active Directory deployment. Typically F5 recommends not inserting the header unless instructed to do so by an F5 Technical Support Engineer. Use the procedure applicable to your version of IIS. The workaround depends on whether you configured the BIG-IP system using the iApp template or configured the system manually.

Does your Active Directory domain allow anonymous binding? Not sure if it is related to health reports and googling didn't help me to troubleshoot it so I believe it is a subject of separate discussion. Use custom port Privacy Policy and The majority of this guide describes the iApp template and the different options the template provides for configuring the system for Microsoft SharePoint. Yes, update pool member ratio(s) This determines the port the health monitor uses. Accept the EULA, and then download the iapps zip file to a location accessible from your BIG-IP system. Only choose this option if you have another BIG-IP system across the WAN that will be a part of this implementation.
This section describes how to manually configure BIG-IP AFM, F5's Network Firewall module, to secure your SharePoint deployment. Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Usage Data Processing and Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Usage Data Import timer jobs are all running. what to do with that. In this section, you answer questions about how you want to implement application health monitoring on the BIG-IP system. I tried running the OneNoteMerge.exe & it gave me an MSVCR120.dll missing. We recommend using the iApp template to configure the BIG-IP system for your Microsoft SharePoint implementation. If you are using this version, you can choose whether you want to use these new profiles, or continue to use the profiles from previous versions of BIG-IP. What IP or network addresses should be allowed to access your application?

Specify the IP address or network access that should be allowed access to the HTTP virtual server. Yes, provide secure authentication using BIG-IP APM

Choose whether you want to restrict access to the SharePoint implementation via the BIG-IP virtual server. The next task is to create the iRule. Many support tickets that reach the IT desk come from SharePoint applications, and it can be a real grind finding the root cause of these issues and who is responsible for fixing them. In version 11.4.x, you can only allow traffic from specific VLANs using the iApp template; v11.5 and later enables you to allow or deny client traffic from specific VLANs. Continue with the next question.

You can either use an iApp template to create the logging profile, or create the logging profile manually.