Keep this in mind when planning your meals, especially if you are preparing meals for more than just yourself. The Special K Diet promises a weight loss of up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks.

More recently, the Special K Diet has changed and no longer relies just on the cereal to help you lose weight. The Special K Diet was created by Kellog’s, a breakfast cereal company. Kellogg’s claims … Notably, the diet—or “Challenge,” sorry—promised thinness, fast. The promise? The system takes your weight and height into consideration but not your activity levels or your lifestyle; You can’t choose your rate of loss which means you can’t tell if you are on track or not. You will notice that many dinner recipes call for two servings of protein, one for the dinner and one for the following day’s lunch. Cons of the Special K Diet Plan. Those with extra pounds are more apt to be sick and have a shorter life. So, what is all the fuss about the Special K diet and how does it work? If you are looking to lose a few pounds, you could be overwhelmed at the diet plans out there that all promise to make you look and feel better, while fitting back into your clothing that you have recently outgrown.

The Special K diet is a 14-day program that involves replacing two meals a day with a bowl of Special K cereal and low-fat milk. In 2002, Kellogg’s funded a study with researchers from Purdue University to determine if consuming “ready-to-eat” cereal as a meal replacement twice a day would lead to weight loss.1 The study was published in the Journal of the American College of Nutritionwith promising outcomes. Special K Diet Plan Evolution – How Does It Work? You sign up to the free plan online, choose the type of meal plan you want, tell them your age and whether you are male or female and then you type in your current weight and height. In this diet, two bowls of special K cereal with low-fat milk each is taken for breakfast and another meal (lunch or dinner).

The Special K Diet was created by the Kellogg’s breakfast cereal company. The diet spreads over two weeks and consists of replacing two main meals, every day, with a particular Special K cereal. These depressing lunches were part of a new plan: If we did this for two weeks, we’d be two sizes (or six pounds) thinner, according to a box of Special K. This was not some strange cereal cult practice, but the Special K Challenge , a diet introduced and popularized in … The two-week Kellogg's weight loss plan, also called the Special K diet, is a version of a meal-replacement diet, meaning you replace two regular meals with this Kellogg's cereal. The answer is straightforward. Just a reminder! Best Keto Diet Keto Diet Plan Diet Meal Plans Special K Diet Plan 2 Day Diet Healthy Life Healthy Living Healthy Weight Healthy Foods More information ... People also love these ideas The diet plan is not personal to you.

Studies done by Kelloggs have shown that the majority of women who took this diet had weight loss around the waist and hips and lost up to six pounds over the two week time frame. A team of international researchers recently tested a version of the Special K diet to see if the classic cereal-based plan might be a worthwhile alternative to today’s many complicated diets. As a result, the Special K Challenge was marketed to the masses with a primary focus on women. We have strategically created a 6-meals-per-day plan, where you will also eat other low glycemic index and nutritious foods that will aid your weight loss. The Kellogg’s company has hired nutritionists and many professionals to put together a system that can work for you.

This is a short-term weight loss diet plan and should not be followed beyond two weeks. Eat two bowls of cereal a day for breakfast and lunch, then an evening meal of your choice - we look into the Special K diet plan. The special K diet plan is great for women who have a Body Mass (BMI) index over 25. Extra weight not only makes you feel bad about your appearance, but is also a very risky part of getting older. It was relatively simple: Special K with skim milk for breakfast and lunch (or a snack bar for the latter), 2 snacks that were either fruit, vegetables, or a Special K product, followed by dinner, according to the annals of WebMD (the diet is no longer on Special K’s website). The Special K diet was developed as part of a marketing strategy by the cereal creator itself. For more information on the Special K Diet Plan visit the Special K challenge site. This is precisely where our Special K diet plan comes into the picture.

While this type of diet may help with weight loss, there are some potential drawbacks that should be considered before starting the weight loss plan.

The Special K diet is one of those unusual slimming plans that has caught the fascination of the nation.

A good, sustainable weight loss rate is … Our 30-Day Meal Plan is your answer to 30 days of balanced meals. Special K Diet. Basically, it involves eating a bowl (45g) of Special K with ½ cup of low-fat milk for breakfast then another for lunch OR dinner for two weeks.

Boy, is it ever! If you’re busy and you love carbs, then we may have found — or make that rediscovered — the perfect weight-loss approach for you.