SAYONARA! By taking these small steps you will feel more productive and be able to better manage your time. We don't know anything about the creators of this episode yet. Don’t forget to check out our planners by visiting OUR STORE. 006: How To ACTUALLY Finish Your To-Do List, 005: How To Put Yourself First WITHOUT Feeling Guilty. Q&A: Your Organization Questions Answered, 031. This year is unlike any year that we have taught, whether you are teaching in-person or virtual. The end and beginning of the year are the most stressful times for any teacher. We are getting so close to the end of the school year and with all the things that take place during the end of year, it's important that we begin planning for what the summer will look like for us and how we can best set ourselves up for starting the next year stress free and seamlessly. Click, Now if you’re feeling extra loving, We would be really grateful if you left us a review over on, , too. From ms.brittnidoyle, How do you find the balance between planning ahead and being flexible? From belenanmartinHow do you prioritize your tasks? Yes, we are talking about summer, but it is also important to know that... Before the world was sent into a world-wide pandemic, many of us were content in our lives as paper-loving teachers. As the seasons change, we have to change our schedules and routines. The box is truly meant to house your materials and keep things safe. You can purchase these individually or as a bundle over on, What organization system do you have in your classroom that you are most proud of? This will open up the possibilities of losing items and things getting damaged. Skill is how you do it, and desire is the motivation (the want to do). [3:12] Tips for Simplifying Back to School. Reduce Your Paper Flow with One Simple Change. Organization can be challenging and this challenge can lead to anxiety and frustrations in your productivity. They take forever! I have learned so much already! From ali_malone4, Can you go over creating a schedule for your planning to be more productive? As the seasons change, we have to change our schedules and routines. all the things you currently have. This is simply a designated space where you will be working that will help to notify and signal to your brain that you are focused on a specific task. We hope that you enjoy them! Between purchasing new items for your classroom and for your  kids at home, everything adds up at the end of the day. Jim Kwik, Your Brain Coach, Founder, The Secret To Success with CJ, Karl, Jemal & Eric Thomas, Teach Create Motivate Podcast: Motivational Tips & Tricks for Teachers. Our Motivating and Energizing Summer Routine, 026. Two teachers dedicated to helping you master your time, organization, and productivity! Be sure to check out, where we answer your time management questions, and, How have you changed your ability/methods of “TOP” since your 1st years of teaching? From voraciousteacher & What are some ways to keep yourself motivated to complete a big task? The purpose is to get you prepared for what is going to come! Whether you are an established executive or an emerging professional, the Raymond A. Mason School of Business is committed to providing you with quality education that … She will share some successes and processes for getting things done. Let’s face it, we have A LOT going on right now. These are popular because they work. [3:26] 5 Beginning of the Year MUST-HAVES (Even in a Pandemic). The beginning of the year can be overwhelming, especially this year.

From kellseyoHow do you manage to grade writing assignments in a timely fashion? It can be overwhelming and burn you out if you allow it to continue for too long. We want to share our motivating and energizing summer routine that has allowed us to create structure and feel as though we are accomplishing goals but also enjoying our summer. From jaymie.nicoleSPED teacher here: how do you balance the paperwork & lesson planning period? From sjohnson912, How to utilize a smaller classroom and stay organized. I don’t want you to miss an episode. We had NO idea what this was all going to turn into, but originally, we thought this was a chance to catch-up on things and to have a break. Keep in mind that this workspace does not have to be a desk. From mrsfoglesong, What are some systems that you have used to deal with homework turn in?

Those reviews help other people find our podcast and they’re also fun for us to go in and read. Our situations are constantly changing and in order to stay on top of the constantly moving field that we are in this year, we need to ensure that our workspaces are functional. If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. We know! Hello everyone! We would wake up, go to work, leave work, and be home. The beginning of the year is stressful, yes, but with a little planning, preparation and a strong focus on what you CAN control this year, you will find yourself feeling a little more prepared and hopefully, a little less stressed. Two teachers dedicated to helping you master your time, organization, and productivity! Listen to Michelle as you join her in a week in the life summer edition.

Keep in mind that we are not perfect in fact we have had a handful of times where we have to listen to our bodies and just rest.