Mar 7 2018 • 1:59 PM.

In a survey, over one thousand Americans voted for their all-time favorite cereal brand. Company: General Mills. Can you guess which made the top 3? They are commonly rolled or crushed and then consumed … If you’re a fan of cereal (who isn’t? Created with Sketch. Americans love cereal, eating $8.5 billion dollars worth in 2018. Favorite cereals is a hotly-contested debate, but what cereal is bought the most? Best SEO Companies reached out recently with some fun facts. Around here, we like to say that classics are classics for a reason. This list represents the top 100 most popular breakfast cereals of all time as voted by visitors to The Cereal Project at When I think of breakfast cereal, this is what I… The Top 50 Cereals, Ranked. Oats are a nutritious cereal choice. Reese's Puffs. One vote per cereal per day. Click here and make it 200. by Michael Walsh.

Oats. To vote for your favorites, visit any individual cereal page on the site and click the vote button. Cheerios. 100 All-Time Greatest Breakfast Cereals New! In honor of on March 7 being National Cereal Day, we put together the top best sellers, according to Chicago-based market research firm Information Resources, Inc. … Sales: $435.9 million (+30.3% year-over … Flickr user Mike Mozart. Cerious Talk: Not only is Reese’s the best candy like, ever, Reese’s Puffs is just as …