life expectancy, education, and standard of living as aspects of development Notify me of follow-up comments by email. If you mean technologically underdeveloped countries, say that and not countries of the Third World.

[15][16], As Global South leaders became more assertive in world politics in the 1990s and 2000s, South-South cooperation has increased to "challenge the political and economic dominance of the North. How has global land use changed over the long-term? [18], Social psychiatrist Vincenzo Di Nicola has applied the Global South as a bridge between the critiques globalization and the gaps and limitations of the Global Mental Health Movement invoking Boaventura de Sousa Santos' notion of "epistemologies of the South" to create a new epistemology for social psychiatry. The chart below plots the geographic latitude of a country’ capital against the country’s HDI score for 2017. Dependency theorists suggest that information has a top-down approach and first goes to the Global North before countries in the Global South receive it.

Expecting a linear relationship for social phenomena It would certainly be the easiest option, and yet the term refuses to be abandoned, leaving little recourse to the offended parties. The term "Global South", in contrast, was intended to be less hierarchical. : Folk Depictions of the Global South in Social Imagery and Social Video at Mass Scale, Learn more in: International Service-Learning in Practice, Learn more in: We Are Not Part of Nature; We Are Nature: An African View on One Health, Learn more in: Strategic Analysis of the Contemporary Tour Operation Industry: Insights From Emerging Economic Jurisdictions, Learn more in: Reconfiguring Responsibility in International Clinical Trials: A Multicultural Approach.

Search inside this book for more research materials. The term Global South functions as more than a metaphor for underdevelopment. After noted objections, the simplest course of action would have been to abandon the term in lieu of an acceptable alternative. [7][8], With its development, many scholars preferred using the Global South over its predecessors, such as "developing countries" and "Third World". How does “the 20 poorest countries in the world” would make you feel? The next plot (click on the image for a larger size, download a pdf version here) shows exactly that. “If you want to look at the data yourself, the R script for the figures is here and the datafile is here,” says the scholar from the Global North. Then the argument, that its usage isn't limited to WMF but continued even by some offended parties. The author claims that the Global South is “demotivational”. Neologism used by the World Bank to refer to developing countries, London School of Economics and Political Science, "Introduction: Concepts of the Global South",, "The Use of the Concept 'Global South' in Social Science & Humanities", "The Global South: An Emergent Epistemology for Social Psychiatry", "How the Global South Could Transform Mental Health", "Introduction: Concepts of the Global South | GSSC", "What´s wrong with the Global North and the Global South? So, be a Southerner, be a proud Global Southerener! My personal favorite is Jared Diamond’s idea that Eurasia’s continental spread along an East-West axis made it easier for food innovations and agricultural technology to diffuse, compared to America’s continental spread along a North-South axis. But, its popularity notwithstanding, the ‘Global South’ is a terrible term. Your email address will not be published. "[1] Others, like Rodolfo Magallanes, have argued against "grouping together a large variety of countries and regions into one category [because it] tends to obscure specific (historical) relationships between different countries and/or regions" and the power imbalances within these relationships. I suppose a similar comparison can be made with certain racial epithets again, if there exists a concept of immunity within the usage. Here is why. Felix Olatunji and Anthony Bature explain, “societies at the local level should be allowed to pursue their own development path as they perceive it without the influences of global capital and other modern choices, and thus a rejection of the entire paradigm from Eurocentric model and the advocation of new ways of thinking about the non-Western societies.

A linear regression of HDI on latitude returns a positive coefficient, and the R-squared as 0.23.