Like a noun, a noun clause can function as the subject, object, or complement of a verb or as the object of a preposition.

2 0 obj D: Both B and C are dependent clauses. 6. 3.

1 0 obj

(noun clause, complement of the verb was), The office manager left a note on the refrigerator for whoever was stealing yogurt. All Right Reserved. (noun clause, subject of the verb proved), Most people ignore whatever he says. %PDF-1.5 10. Example: Juliet, a border collie puppy, prefers to chase apples and pears. Juan continued playing although he injured his knee. All rights reserved. (A finite verb shows time such as present, past, or future.). Since I could not go to the Pancake Breakfast, I gave away my tickets. They usually begin with who, whom, whose, that, or which. Note: Some folks cling to the superstition that “time when,” “place where,” and “reason why” are embarrassments to be avoided, but that’s another post. x��Z[o�~7��@�/�"by�C����� ���"�dI�N$�a����wfHj/�j�E���;�΍�}C�����o�I���W� �'�\(�r�rx����+~����K�F�a�����c��x��p]p��%�c$e�y4�*��4�g��J~���d7g�?J�8�G�FE���Fy���yox���l�m]kY�mޖ��H���̓g��t��nc�L�i��1�,����4�q���Hz+�8bߣ��}ٮ��Ǯ�Jk�\=������ �-�(�No��d��P�g�eq}��k� �Mi�~���Y!q�e��l������|d�����uir���TO#��h�b�'�s�5Eo�y]���M!BE�u$E�B������H'�X�@,�{V�}+�a�VS�#��*�E�{H����~����G��acu�xj��Yz&���ho �E{�א�/p͆562�Ll��{46J��H�L5���F�5q�*���� Adjective clauses ;��;��^�i�׋��w���̶ϛ����@P�5g���B�e������P�m�x ��C��aJ�E����5+�ڡ�Q�޺�,��%:�7�5T.t/�Z�]@ +���*�;6��V�,հ����(X�,��HK�d��M��j�6��_2���� �����վbG,)h��� ��ܦq��e�C�d��2���*kN����O�����Dʍm�������-�a!v%�W��l��ℷ���'N�2U�#޽�;�}�0ΜM6�5#5�ٖf䘒��!�/��`ws�{g.��2��� �g�ɝ�[S�wI&7.

Test names and other trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holds. There are three types of dependent clauses that you can use within your writing. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> An independent clause (also called a main clause) can stand alone as a complete thought. This subordinate (dependent) clause depends on and modifies the independent main clause, “He did respect his opponent.” “His opponent” is not a dependent clause but an object of the verb “respect.” Clauses have a subject and predicate, whether they are dependent or independent. I thought that the offer was too good to be true.
Some sentences will have two independent clauses, when this happens a semicolon is needed before the independent marker word.

“As we grow older” depends upon and modifies the second independent clause, “we consider our mortality.”. Some common independent marker words include also, furthermore, however, nevertheless, therefore.

Incorrect: Because I forgot the exam was today. I visited the field where Magna Carta was signed. Although tired and grumpy, Laura agreed to babysit for her sister-in-law. We should be kind to others B. because everybody has problems C. to others D. everybody has problems, 4. If we knew what it was we were doing B. it would not be called research C. It would not be called research, would it? (adjective clause, tells more about the noun face), There goes the dog whose owner never picks up after it.

The error can sometimes be corrected by adding a period, semicolon, or colon to separate the two sentences. Such descriptions are not fair to ferrets. (adjective clause, tells more about the noun woman), Is that the face that launched a thousand ships?

Adjective clauses may also begin with the conjunctions when, where, or why.

What is a Main Clause in English Grammar? 1.

(adjective clause, tells more about the noun dog), The man whom I met last night is joining us for breakfast. Privacy policy. Like an adverb, an adverb clause can tell when, where, why, or how an action takes place. Conj.