For more on Einhorn’s views, as well as those of a third rabbi, Bernard Illowy (Orthodox), whose views were somewhere between Raphall and Einhorn, see Yaakov S. Weinstein, “The Biblical View of Slavery, Then and Now: In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation,” Ḥakirah 14 (2012): 273–287. I have a theory that the deity Susa-no is a name (lit. Ancient Isreal. "And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan."
Zembabwei was perhaps the most powerful of the Black Kingdoms of the South and was said to be ruled by “twin kings.” Virtually nothing more is known of this rising empire in the south, although some legends say its people worshiped the Stygian serpent-god Set under the alternate name of Damballah. After Noah awakens from his drunken stupor, and learns what his youngest son did—ostensibly a reference to Ham looking at him naked and not assisting him or perhaps worse—Noah issues the following curse: Noah continues by blessing Shem and Japheth, both of whom covered his naked body without looking at him, and part of this blessing is the promise that the descendants of Canaan will be their slaves. See this: is the more recent name for the Upper Nile. While I have presented some evidence here regarding Talmudic attitudes towards Jews, there are even more derogatory references to non-Jews.

[2] For more on this, see Karen Brodkin, How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1998); Eric Goldstein, The Price of Whiteness: Jews, Race, and American Identity (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006). The Nubian technology, you refer to, of having meteorite iron fashioned into beads symbolizing seeds of heaven appears to have made its way into Asia ... perhaps with the same migratory peoples we have been contemplating. Little is known of these lands. The more I learn about Egypt and the Middle East . This could turn the entire historical perspective on its head. [21] For an approach along these lines, see Nahum Eliezer Rabinovich, “The Way of Torah,” Edah 3.1 (2003): 1–34. We know that Narmer was probably a Kushite because of a Clay

Why Canaan is being punished for his father’s sin is unclear, but many interpreters seem to understand his appearance here as a metonymy or synecdoche for Ham, whose descendants are thus “supposed” to be slaves. Thank you for sharing it. Shlomo Pines (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963) 2.618–619. For example, in his Kuzari (1.1), written in Judeo-Arabic, Judah HaLevi (1075–1141) lays out the philosopher’s approach to religion and says as follows: Every individual on earth has his completing causes; consequently an individual with perfect causes becomes perfect, and another with imperfect causes remains imperfect, as the negro (אלחבשי, lit. They were often strong, tall and usually very lean, although some chiefs were grotesquely fat. Years of teaching creative writing to intermediate and high school students They were often strong, tall and usually very lean, although some chiefs were grotesquely fat. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. sciences, but a study suggests that some potentially important findings are Kushite was just a generic name applied to the people who In Kush, the common people were dark-skinned, but the Set-worshiping ruling class were the light-skinned descendants of Stygian lords who cowed the land with their powerful sorcery. Hartwig Hirschfeld (E.P. Sabtah

[24] The pamphlet is accessible online here. In other words, the Paleolithic to Jomon arrivals in Japan represent probably not the priestly-tribes, but true hunter-gatherers. The Kushites were the black-skinned tribesmen most often encountered in Kush, Darfar, Keshan, Punt, southern, There may have been other denizens in this land with less repulsive habits, but sharp-tooted Darfars often retained their taste for “long pig” even after they had been carried off by slavers from, . The key to knowing who the Kushites were may be explained by Homer when he wrote in the Odyssey i.23: “a race divided, whom the sloping rays; the rising and the setting sun surveys”. Punt was often subjected to slave raids by slavers from, . I know it's a lot. [12] It could be argued that the aesthetic preference for light skin over dark already appears in the Bible: While it is true that the text implies that light skin is more beautiful than dark skin, this is not about ethnicity, since by dark she means tan, as she states explicitly. For a survey of approaches, see Gamliel Shmalo, “Orthodox Approaches to Biblical Slavery,” The Torah u-Madda Journal 16 (2012–13): 1–20.

Some white Christians in the early U.S. took this further, asserting that black Africans were destined by God to be slaves.

Sumer did have trade links with the Indus Valley but were these links purely commercial or do they point to a deeper connection, is not yet established.Sumerian was a language isolate and its only link to India is some names in the Kish list of Kings.Things will only be clear once the Indus script is deciphered.