Implant treatment, which is one of the missing dental treatment methods; In the case of one or more teeth lost, it is a treatment close to natural teeth. Dental implant planning is just as important as the treatment process. The local team, Smile Team Turkey is a specialized dental clinic located in Antalya.

It does not damage any tissues because it does not support the neighboring teeth. Very professional, very … Use our website to find your doctor, compare prices, check out clinics and read reviews. Since dental implants require one or more surgical procedures, you need to undergo a thorough assessment to be prepared for the process, including: Dental x-ray and jaw tomography are performed, making a detailed examination of the teeth and jaw bone. The whole procedure lasts around 2-3 hours depending on the patient’s case. Get your Free Quote and Book Now. Dental implant complications can include: ● Dental implant failure (the fracture implant abutment screw, implant or both) ● Infection of the area - easily treatable with antibiotics ● Blood vessels, tissue and teeth structures around the implant can be damaged ● The implant can push into a sinus cavity (upper jaw implants only) It’s worthy to note that dental implant complications are few and far between. All these applications are determined after detailed examination. This is due to the fact that zirconia is not as flexible as other materials such as titanium. Oral hygiene of patients is very important. Only 4 grade or 5 grade of titanium should be used in medical field. The work I had done were 10 implants, bone graft, 1 extraction and lots of excellent care. Dental implant materials are titanium or alloys. DentaGlobal Dental Clinic offers to perform all-on-4 dental implants from $2800. You may contact the hospital by yourself. Do not consume as much hot food and drinks as possible in the first week. We use resorbable stitches .You leave and 4 months later in second visit to Turkey  we finish your treatment with a non removable zirconium bridge system.These concepts advantage is you wait healing time with a fixed system which is more comfortable and functional.All on concepts protect jaws and stop bone Myra Dental Centre Turkey we prefer these all on concepts for a permanently treatment .If you have a gum disease or toothless jaw and don’t want to be toothless in healing time or don’t want use an temporary denture we prefer you All On concepts . If the posterior region is left toothless in the loss of large molars, a fixed bridge can be made on several implants instead of a segmented prosthesis that can be inserted and removed in patients. Thank you Flymedi team. These may occur in the form of infections and allergies in the early period and inflammations due to insufficient mouth cleaning in the late period after the completion of the prosthesis, and smoking during the early period may increase the risk of infection. Book your next visit to a doctor in **country** with the safety & security with medical insurance coverage.