Take TV commercials for example. ” It was written by Kay S. Hymowitz, who recently published a book entitled Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys.. Angrily reading her article, her opinions are very different my personal opinions.

Embarrassing to whom? ... Moeller leads with a quote from professional worry-wart Kay Hymowitz’ article in the Wall Street Journal over the state of manhood in the 21st Century: Hymowitz blatantly states that these men with impaired judgement are in a state of confusion, regressing back to a ‘pre-adulthood’, doing things meant for people half their age. Hymowitz’s hyperbole was perhaps intended to further accentuate her point, that men are immature. I seriously have a bookshelf full of tomes on the subject. I simply do not have a locker reserved at the local gymnasium.

Where Have The Good Men Gone? I've been waiting for you to ask! We’ve also made an effort to highlight positive examples of manliness. That's a statistic that can't be quantified. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 2 points higher than the females and that males are more intelligent and achieving more academically, proving that men were not “slackers”. They needed to demonstrate courage, physical prowess or mastery of the necessary skills. Women, answer me this: If all the men you knew acted completely sensible towards women at all times, would you really still enjoy their company? Brett She then gives the same tired reasons for why American men aren’t doing so well today:  the economy, pop-culture, delayed marriage, video games, etc. Should You Lift Weights Before Doing Cardio?

Surely there are many hobbies that women enjoy which men don’t. A critique of “Where Have All the Good Men Gone” by Kay M. Hymowitz: Dear MS. Kay M. Hymowitz,. Nevertheless, she continues to commend how women “also have more confidence and drive. Guess what women? Someone has to speak for the opposition. The column argues that women in their 20s and early 30s are having trouble finding suitable mates because men of the same age group are living a sort of "extended adolescence," as she puts it. ” – that has been posted on the Wallstreet Journal caught many of the readers’ attention, regarding its rather myopic and exaggerated point of view towards the average American men after their adolescence. You'd be surprised by how many times I've had to utter statements similar to those. • Last updated: September 24, 2020. What can you do?” How about an article on the fact that tens of thousands of men are extremely interested in bettering themselves these days? Awesome! This article seems to enforce the banal stereotype of men being immature. Well, because I desire the same things Hymowitz claims that most men lack: to find a partner who loves me as much as I love them, and eventually start a family. Also, she doesn’t mention her source of data.The lack of supporting details she brings into her argument suggests that Hymowitz is not confident of her viewpoint. Having grades that are marginally lower does not necessarily make someone a “maladroit geek” or a “grubby” slacker”. Being in the age group in question myself and also being single, I am in a unique position to provide a counterpoint to the claims made by Hymowitz. You means we can't fixer da pipes with gum! The fact of the matter is that men are guilty until proven innocent, and that's a heavy burden to overcome. This imprecision and vagueness may initially have started from her lack of confidence and her obstinacy to yield the fact that women, indeed, are not the “first sex”. Today, however, with women moving ahead in our advanced economy, husbands and fathers are now optional, and the qualities of character men once needed to play their roles—fortitude, stoicism, courage, fidelity—are obsolete, even a little embarrassing.”. Not convinced this archetype has completely and totally permeated our modern culture? Cool! Or Do Cardio Before Weights?