Brands started to establish their distinct identity and other than displaying characters, some companies displayed illustrations to attract more customers.

On this box (apparently made in the US but marketed to an English audience), Post claimed that consumers would get more "nourishment from 1 pound of Grape Nuts than from 10 lbs of MEAT, WHEAT, OATS OR BREAD."

Institutions that emphasized exercise and a healthy diet, known as sanitariums, began popping up around the country. Smith, Andrew F. (2007).

I would stare sleepily at the word games and mazes on the back of the box, then dig for that cheap plastic prize inside. "Ask your mom to get a package of our favorite cereal, Post Sugar Crisp," says Roy Rogers in this ad at the end of his TV show. If you were born in America, chances are you grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons and eating breakfast cereal. In the late 1950s, Wheaties began its first of several sponsorship deals with athletic legends, who would appear on the iconic box. Early ads warned consumers of the "evils of caffeine," assuring them that their children would benefit from a steady diet of Postum in its place. In 1886, Ellen took a chance on young John Harvey Kellogg when she hired him to help market her sanitarium. The first to use cardboard boxes as cereal cartons was the Kellogg Company.

For a while, you could send away to Cheerios for Confederate money. Required fields are marked *. The history of the evolution of the cereal boxes give us the indications of how the customer psyche and the market changed over the years obliging the packaging and the product to change with it. The cereal box's innately disposable nature seems to be one of the things that attracts collectors — unlike, say, baseball cards, they were never intended to be saved. This was corrugated cardboard as we know it today. What is this healthy cereal called?

As a result, a toy "house" (actually a log cabin) made from a large cardboard box was added to the Hall, housed at the Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester, New York.

Jackson was a firm believer in the healing and cleansing properties of water. Pre-Art Noveau era, cereal boxes were simple, contained. • She refused, pointing me toward the healthier varieties.

Cereal consumption was going strong; cereal was so ubiquitous that it no longer had to sell itself as "a perfect food." Cereal changed all of that. From that point forward, sweetened cereals grew in popularity, eventually becoming the norm.

Cardboard boxes are industrially prefabricated boxes, primarily used for packaging goods and materials and can also be recycled. "America at the turn of the century was just as vast and varied as it is now," explains historic gastronomist Sarah Lohman. During the Civil War, many suffered from this chronic digestion problem that resulted from the unhealthy, high-protein diets of the time. Genius of Promotion and Advertising.

The early years of the Institute were unremarkable, and attendance was low. And the idea was catching.

By 1908, the terms "corrugated paper-board" and "corrugated cardboard" were both in use in the paper trade.[19]. Enter Dr. James Caleb Jackson, an active abolitionist, health advocate and founder of the famous Jackson Sanitarium in New York. Sugar Crisp was renamed Golden Crisp. Advertising practices changed, but the goal was the same, and kids were completely hooked on cereal. Asked by yumchicken. He writes promotional content for a variety of businesses and exclusively helps the startup businesses, especially. Last updated Sep 10 2016. A rift developed between the two brothers.