(Mabel Paiswrites on Social Issues, Spirituality, the Arts and Entertainment, and Health & Wellness. Ce mardi 21 juin, solstice d’été voit le jour le plus long de l’année battre au rythme de la Fête de la Musique en France, mais aussi au Royaume-Uni ! year, with this date to be brought to the attention of all people for the Peoples as known as Happy world peace day. Gipsy Kings & Chico : Les rois de la fête se reforment, Concert de Vacarm le Rouge, groupe de rock punk alternatif. [ujicountdown id=”F59″ expire=”2019/06/21 23:59″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””], All you need to know about festivals, holidays and events around the world, Free Printable 2020 Monthly Calendar with Holidays, When is International Human Solidarity Day 2020, World Peace and Prayer Day 2018 is observed on Thursday, June 21, 2018, World Peace and Prayer Day 2020 is observed on Sunday, June 21, 2020, Log Cabin Day 2018 is observed on Sunday, June 30, 2018, World UFO Day 2018 is observed on Sunday, June 24, 2018, Please Take My Children to Work Day 2018 is observed on Monday, June 24, 2018, National Indian Pudding Day June 2018 is observed on Wednesday, June 27, 2018, INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY 2018 is observed on Thursday, June 28, 2018. International Day of Peace 2019 September 21, 2019 International Day of Peace is an International event that is observed each year by nations all across the world. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.” – Robert Muller, “Peace begins with a smile.” Mother Teresa, “Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.” – Ronald Reagan, “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” – Mahatma Gandhi, “Not one of us can rest, be happy, be at home, be at peace with ourselves, until we end hatred and division.” – John Lewis, “True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice.

This World Peace Day 2019 is a crucial reminder that the concept of peace must evolve. – II Days of Global Unity– The 11 Days of Global Unity aims at strengthening the ideals of unity and equality, diversity and oneness, harmony and compassion and, above all, at advancing the culture of peace. Entretien réalisé par Maïa Morgensztern –“May Peace Prevail On Earth!”– Include this universal statement  – perhaps around a local Peace Pole – to begin and/or end a program or gathering. offer diverse ideas for observing this global day shared with all humanity. The World Peace and Prayer Day Countdown Clock will show you the number of days, hours, minutes & seconds until World Peace and Prayer Day 2019. I count on your continued support as we strive to build a world where we can live every day in harmony with the environment and with each other.”. Hello Friend, today we share with you about world peace day 2019.

Whatever you choose to do, please pause at 12 Noon local time and join people all across the globe in a Minute of Silence/Moment of Peace.