However, it is not exhaustive. On the other hand, if it is discolored or dented, it is not. Gives Relief from Constipation Corn is an excellent source of dietary fibre and … What Are Parasitic Twins and How Do They Develop? did not know about so many positive effects of corn.

Being a good source of some minerals or nutrients, it can feed you for two in real means. Here are some benefits of sweet corn during pregnancy –. Compared to sprouts, fruits and vegetables, it is harder to eat grains in corn flakes. This condition is aggravated by high blood pressure and could be harmful to the development of the unborn baby. cornflakes during pregnancy? Corn flakes help you feel rejuvenated throughout the day. Healthy Breakfast during Pregnancy But is it safe to eat corn during pregnancy? If you are pregnant and have been craving for corn flakes, you will find this article helpful. Prefer the organic variety and be careful not to have it in excess quantities. Add some fruits and milk and its a complete meal. Corn flakes, when consumed during pregnancy, helps in reducing the preeclampsia. The right way is to add salt sparingly in your food preparations. Your use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. Low GI foods are likely to slowly and steadily release glucose, which might help in managing blood glucose levels (15). Thus, eating corn flakes during pregnancy can offer plenty of health benefits. Best Water Proof Mattress Protector in India, Cute Uncommon Bath Toys for Babies in India. Is It Safe to Eat Raw Cheese During Pregnancy? This might be because of a condition called the Pica Syndrome, which involves the craving of non-food substances such as clay, ice, dirt, and more (12). Use the comments section to share your opinion. The beta-carotene in corn provides vitamin A required for immune system functioning and healthy growth and development of the baby (10). Packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, craving for crunchy corn is quite common during pregnancy. Such goodness with corn. Not all corn products may be safe during pregnancy. There is no right answer because there are some health benefits a pregnant woman can gain by consuming corn flakes in limited quantities. So, a perfect food! Avoid having pickles, papads or salt in the salads.

Cornflakes may result in health issues like flatulence, intestinal gas, abdominal pain and. Is Midwives Brew a Safe Way to Induce Labour?

Are they safe to consume? GoMama247 is a Modern Indian Parenting Portal dedicated to Health and wellness of Mom and Baby, Baby names and Honest Product Reviews. The commercially available corn flakes are rich in fat, salt and sugar. All rights reserved. Switch over to brown bread or use red millet flour to make your chapattis. 1997-2020 All rights reserved. Its consumption in excess is unhealthy, especially during pregnancy. If you are still unsure about eating corn flakes, we recommend you consult your nutritionist and include it in your pregnancy diet accordingly. Overconsumption of sugar can lead to complications like gestational diabetes in the mother. One of the foods that are contemplated during pregnancy is corn flakes. They're easily available, convenient, ready-to-eat and filling. If you still want to include rice in your diet, it is wise to opt for brown rice instead of white. Some excellent properties are as enlisted here. An IT professional, a mom of two, Sapana had belly-only pregnancies in her life & has lost 15Kg weight twice.

I prefer muesli to cornflakes. The commercially available corn flakes are rich in fat, salt and sugar. Excess glucose ends up in the system creating havoc, more so for an expectant mother. © 2010-2020 [ Read: Benefits Of Folic Acid During Pregnancy ]. Sweet and crunchy sweet corn would be a wonderful pick during this phase and something that most moms develop a craving for during pregnancy. Benefits of Eating Corn Flakes in Pregnancy, Adverse Effects of Eating Corn Flakes When Pregnant, Tips to Keep in Mind When Eating Corn Flakes During Pregnancy, Vegetarian Diet during Pregnancy – Food Resources and Menu Plan, Riding a Two-Wheeler During Pregnancy – Safety and Precautions, Awesome Ideas for a Winter Wonderland Baby Shower. It breaks down into glucose that provides your cells with energy and helps your body function better. Corn contains a carotenoid substance called zeaxanthin that has oxidative properties. Momjunction believes in credibility and giving our readers access to authentic and evidence-based content.

For the same reason also limit the intake of rock salt. It may cause indigestion; therefore, it is better to have fresh corn in limited amounts.