How can you use “thinker” in a sentence? He was the only original thinker in the.
Now, if Jesus is a political thinker, I assume he's for the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty, blessed are the peacemakers. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: Leonardo's greatest shortcoming as a scientific thinker was, not paradoxically, his greatest strength as an artist: his eye.

A great thinker on this.

Lacking a religious identity, he shortly began identifying himself as a freethinker and critical thinker. What do u think about Japan? While the girl was totally asleep in class, her non-thinking methods was a waste of time for both her and the teacher. Even though I try to think happy thoughts, I usually end up sad. This also creates a culture of problem solvers … Examples of Non-thinking in a sentence. Think about the misforture of others that you may be satisfied with your own lot. Definition of Think. You can listen to each sentence as you read it. And give the thinker food for thought;. 4. The quick-thinking hero beat the dogs off with a lead and dived on top of Sam to protect him. Gavroche, who was a thinker. Thinker; 1. 4.

How to use cognitive in a sentence. What do you think about me? The Psychic Thinker - All Interest Books. Karl Marx is the greatest thinker of the millennium, according to a BBC News Online poll. And the Thinker foretells of. 2. He is a thinker, not a bruiser. I need more time to think about it. 3. Definition of Non-thinking. : Two quick-thinking councillors saved an elderly people's home from going up in flames after yobs set it alight. What did you think about the idea? Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact: Meaning: v. 1. have on one's mind, think about actively 2. take into consideration, have in view. Thinker in a sentence. Being the swing vote means you can ask for the moon and stars--but you can't ask for pork if you want to be seen as a deep thinker. Example sentences for: thinker How can you use “thinker” in a sentence? Cognitive definition is - of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering). Examples of Think in a sentence.

14) When preparing meals,(, 17) Turn the page on yesterday.
He was a sophisticated thinker. Only ever, 22) if i had a single flower for every time i, 23) When alive ,we may probably offend some people.However, we must, 24) The plight of starving people is too awful to, 25) This is a big issue; we need more time to, 26) A new all-woman market research company has been set up to find out what women, 27) If I had a single flower for every time I, 28) Ask around to see what others living in your area, 29) If you want to conquer fear, don't sit at home and, 30) If i had a single flower for every time i, 13) This is a big issue; we need more time to, 15) A new all-woman market research company has been set up to find out what women, 17) Ask around to see what others living in your area, 20) That was a rash decision - you didn't, 21) We're carrying out/conducting a poll to find out what people.