You can always swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you're learning. Meaning: To have nothing in life (or to own nothing in this world). Here’s an example: “无论考生的笔试成绩如何,都要全力以赴准备面试”   “wúlùn kǎoshēng de bǐshì chéngjì rúhé ,dōuyào quánlìyǐfù zhǔnbèi miànshì”   “No matter how the student’s written test score is, he/she needs to give 100% to prepare for the interview”, 心血来潮 basically means “spur of the moment” or “on a whim.” Literally, it evokes the image of blood rushing to your heart (of course in English we’d say head). We’ve all been there, in situations where we simply feel like giving up on something we’ve been forced to do. 善于射箭,智谋过人, The tiger is the most ferocious animal in the forest. Chinese idioms, called (Zhōng guó chéng yŭ 中国成语), are well-known sayings or proverbs alluding to famous Chinese stories and historical events. In fact, below you'll even see the song "Let It Go" from the hit movie "Frozen": FluentU brings these native Chinese videos within reach via interactive captions. Origin Story She goes to town with her newfound discovery…. 国王看见有两只大雕在空中争夺一块肉, The visual illustration is fairly self-explanatory. 孙 策 年 仅 十七 岁,却 年少有为, ... Jìncháo shí,  yŏu yí gè rén jiào Jī Shào. 突厥族国王很器重他,把他留下来,随自己一起去打猎, Feel free to browse our complementary resources! 万事开头难 (wàn shì kāi tóu nán) Meaning: The first step is always … can take anywhere. Simply Use This Idiom! 朝      三   暮 四 © 2020 Enux Education Limited. Learn more about our super useful Chinese idioms ebook. 不作不死。(Bù zuò bù sǐ. When you have your hands in your pocket all day, you’re not exactly showing the openness that one would expect. Find taboo Chinese gift idea here! 在森林里,老虎是最凶猛的野兽。 Chinese proverbs (諺語, yànyŭ) are popular sayings taken from literature, history, and famous people such as philosophers.The expressions are often used colloquially as statements of wisdom or advice. Zhāo sān mù sì

The next time you go out shopping with someone and they ask you for your opinion…, Meaning: To make a long difficult journey. That’s what 避而不见 means. Meaning: The first step is always the hardest. Here’s an example: “大学时期,乔尼开始有机会用Mac做设计,那是一种豁然开朗的体验“   “dàxué shíqí, qiáoní kāishǐ yǒujīhuì yòng Mac zuò shèjì, nàshì yīzhǒng huòránkāilǎng de tǐyàn”   “During college, Jony began to have opportunities to use a Mac to design, and that was a refreshing, eye-opening experience”, 津津有味 means to eat something deliciously. If you’re not sure what idioms are, they are expressions that have a figurative meaning. Often times, these are unique to each language that does not translate directly. Here’s an example: “她就是我的一见钟情 “   “tā jiùshì wǒ de yíjiànzhōngqíng“   “She is my love at first sight.”, 自由自在 means that something is free and easy. They come up all the time in both written and spoken English. Chinese set expression, typically of 4 characters, often alluding to a story or historical quotation / idiom / proverb / saying / adage / CL: 條|条, 本, 句 成 語 HSK 5 守株待兔 To Stand by a Tree Stump Waiting for a Hare (Intermediate), Chinese Idioms: Be Humble Enough to Consult One’s Inferiors (Elementary), Chinese Idiom: 纸上谈兵 (zhǐshàngtánbīng) Armchair Strategy, Chinese Idiom: 哪壶不开提哪壶 To Touch A Soft Spot, Chinese Idiom: 对牛弹琴 To Play the Harp to A Cow, Jump on the Bandwagon with this Chinese Phrase: “墙头草(qiángtóucǎo)”, Idiom Stories: 一箭双雕 (Yíjiànshuāngdiāo) To Shoot Two Hawks with One Arrow, Idiom Stories: 开天辟地(Kāitiānpìdì) To advance with giant strides, Idiom Stories:画饼充饥(Huàbĭngchōngjī) To draw a cake to satisfy hunger, Idiom Stories-调虎离山(Diàohŭlíshān) To lure the tiger out of the mountains, 鹤立鸡群 (hèlìjīqún) A Crane Standing Among Chickens, 狐假虎威 (Hújiăhŭwēi) To Bully Others by Flaunting One’s Powerful Connections. This goes for life partners, employees, and especially leaders. FluentU's Learn Mode turns every video into a language learning lesson. Not if they really want to be fluent. 一 天,在他耕田的时候,忽然跑过一只 野兔, To find even more Chinese idioms and practice putting them into action, check out FluentU. Mandarin speakers have thousands of idioms that have been created, but are only understood by the native speakers. Tap to add words you'd like to review to a vocab list.