I never imagined myself being a mother. We are reminded that God cares about different things than much of the world does. I love you, my precious daughter. 4. Temptation is everywhere. What expression is repeated in the poem? e) You refuse to speak to strangers – you must speak to strangers. – Give poetic effect

If only I could hold you in my arms forever and shield you from all the things that can hurt you or make you sad. Compare the structure of the poem, “You start dying slowly” to the poems in unit one (1.1 and 1.3). Even when the speaker went to school, he faced a lot of hardship. I love you! What line will you add to complete it? In what aspects were the brothers alike each other? 1. 3) Same – paths God blessed me with such a wonderful daughter who never ceases to amaze me. You are my answered prayer. To this day, I can feel the pure joy, happiness and thrill that I felt during the trip to Ooty. Use internet or any book to write four inspirational or motivational quotes, related to the message/s in the poem. If I read – I shall enrich my mind and learn new things. 2) All paras of “A Teenagers Prayer” is uniform whereas the paras in “You Start Dying Slowly” are not uniform. b) Line that provides evidence of the theme: If you do not listen to the sounds of life, It's Monday Again!! Ans: The expression “If you do not” is repeated in the poem. 6. However, the real question is whether we know what we're doing. Note them down: 1) The rhyme scheme is different. Quintuplets – Five babies born at the same time. Christians and non-Christians alike are reminded of how far from perfect they are. You bring me so much joy and happiness. c) You kill your self-esteem – you should keep up your self-esteem. Appreciation of poem “A Teenager’s Prayer”, You Start Dying Slowly – Questions and Answers, Appreciation of poem “Basketful of Moonlight”, 1.1 Appreciation of poem “A Teenager’s Prayer”, 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer – Questions and Answers, 1.2 News Reports from An Encounter of a Special Kind, 1.3 Appreciation of poem “Basketful of Moonlight”, 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight – Questions and Answers, 2.1 Appreciation of poem “You Start Dying Slowly”, 2.1 You Start Dying Slowly – Questions and Answers, 2.5 Book Review – Swami and Friends by R.K. Narayan, 3.4 Appreciation of poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, 4.1 Appreciation of poem “The World is Mine”, 4.3 Appreciation of poem “O Captain!
I love you! 2. Becoming your mother was the single most terrifying and most incredible experience of my life. The world is your stage, my dear. Chit-Chat 1. But no matter how flawed and weak I am, I want you to know that you mean the world to me. I love you more than my heart can hold. I love you so much! So go ahead and pick up a special quote you like and express your feelings. I cannot wait to see what kind of woman you will grow up to be. If I change my bad habits – I shall become a better human being and appreciate myself. It can be hard to understand. 1) The incredible people that you meet, our friends and family. – He has a pea-sized brain. There’s nothing that I wouldn’t give just to see you happy. This poem conveys a teenager’s inner feelings beautifully. Chit-Chat. You will always have me. Use the following questions to help you.

A guy finds himself in a room with a strange card catalog. All the things that make a wonderful daughter, you have all of them. 10 Things Your Husband Wishes You Would Say to Him. – Be a singer Eating good delicious food also makes me happy and I wish I had the capability to go around the world tasting the best dishes in every culture. I love you so much. Complete the web diagram with words that go with their topics: Turbulent: I love you more than life itself. Guess and share who are: Triplets – Three babies born at the same time b) We got completely mixed. I see the makings of a CEO as early as now. They can bring so much meaning to your life and make you the happiest you have ever been. Our love for you knows no bounds. You make them look so easy. You are so innocent, sweet, and beautiful. Go through the following steps and discuss in pairs about the facts mentioned in it. – If you do not travel To which poem does the structure match. E – If you do not participate in school activities/games. We went all around Ooty and saw as much as we could. Page: 1) The following diagram shows important factors to be considered while choosing... by English Guide | Sep 21, 2018 | Chapters | 2. a) “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller, b) “Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.” – Thich Nhat Hanh, c) “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. Nothing you can say or do can change the fact that you will always be my daughter, and that you will always have my heart. a) The speaker’s intended bride became his brother’s wife. We will go through hardships and tribulations willingly if it means seeing you happy, healthy, and safe. 1. h) catch a – cold I love you more than anything in this world! Hi Kids, Today will be the best day of the week weather wise, so I will run out and get the very last of my shopping done.....since my boss does not open the store the day after Christnas and NY's, this coming Saturday, will be my last till next year! The Lord has promised us this. 4. Perfect for those students who like to disrupt the classroom with chit chat! Copyright My English Coursebook | All Rights Reserved. Ans: If we ignore our friend in need, our friend will feel sad and upset and may not choose to be our friend anymore.