Homebrew makes it easy to keep your installation of the CLI update to date.

That’s it for the app registration and settings.Next, we said we don’t need to assign any user to this Jamf app, but we obviously do need to assign Intune licenses to our users of course. Using a package manager such as Homebrew is always recommended. To create the app, go to: Azure > App Registrations and click ‘New Registration’. Just create a new policy, do NOT set any trigger, set the frequency to ‘ongoing’ and add the ‘macOS Intune Integration’ payload. This is actually everything we had to do in Azure to make an integration with Jamf Pro possible!So, off to Jamf Pro settings we go!To finalise the integration config between Jamf Pro and Azure Intune, go to Jamf Pro Settings > Global Management > Conditional Access.Here, we’ll need 3 things:1) the domain name of our Azure Tenant (your actualy Domain name if you have a premium domain name configure in Azure, or something like mydomain.onmicrosoft.com if you don’t)2) the application client ID of the app we created in Azure3) our Azure app secret which of course we nicely wrote down as well :-), which in Jamf Pro is referred to as ‘application key’.
Homebrew is the easiest way to manage your CLI install.

Start free with the Visual Studio for Mac Community edition. Diagnose and fix issues quickly Check for alerts, view metrics, and take corrective actions to fix common issues. The above example connects to SQL Server running on the local machine (localhost refers to the local machine). I work remotely with an awesome team at Rencore. Yes, a bit annoying from an end user experience, but that’s how it is.The reason for this is that the jamfAAD agent will grab the AAD Device ID from Azure, and add that to the Jamf Pro inventory. This is the name that I gave the container in my SQL Server on a Mac tutorial. Your email address will not be published. Review documentation to improve your productivity with Visual Studio for Mac. Build web apps and deploy them to Azure using open-source tools and features. Take advantage of the Visual Studio for Mac best-in-class editor for C#, HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, and streamline your web apps using Leaner Style Sheets (LESS) and Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SASS) advanced features.

Now, that’s all for the config of the integration in both Azure and Jamf Pro, so what’s left? Follow the update instructions. There may be a minor version mismatch or other issue during homebrew installation. Let’s try it out!Presuming our device already executed the policy to install the ‘Company Portal’, the end user now needs to run Self Service and execute our Intune policy to register the device: The first thing that will happen is, the ‘Company Portal’ launching (hence the need of deploying that first ). Easily push your Azure Functions project directly to the cloud using the IDE. This starts a previously stopped container called sql_server_demo. I plan, architect and develop software and distributed cloud services. Well, not really! If you encounter a problem when installing the CLI through Homebrew, here are some common errors. Done! Get Azure innovation everywhere—bring the agility and innovation of cloud computing to your on-premises workloads. For this reason, Today in this article I will show you how to install it on your computer. The Publish to Azure App Service dialog appears, and any existing App Services are shown. For this we go to Microsoft Intune > Device Compliance > Partner device management. Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Rowling by Anders Norén. To publish to an existing App Service, select the App Service in the list and then click Publish.