Although the minister/MP role worked, it was ambiguous and full of mismanagement. On top of that, they are sworn in before the President. He also has the power to assign, dismiss or replace any Cabinet Secretary. Cabinet members, whom most were referred to as "ministers" are no more. Moreover, the deputy can carry out presidential duties when the President is temporarily unable to function effectively. Structureless democracies topple at any slight distortion, hence the need for proper governance. The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) regularly posts the salaries that public servants ought to earn in a Kenyan Gazette Notice.

The cabinet is the key decision-making forum in the federal government, responsible for its administration and the establishment of its policy. The Constitution is clear on the appointment, reassignment and dismissal of Cabinet Secretaries in Kenya. Although he has the powers as mentioned above, they are not without oversight. READ ALSO: Atwoli's wish to have Monica Juma removed from Foreign Affairs Ministry granted. There are definite terms on how they are supposed to be dismissed, reshuffled or appointed. After the swearing-in operation, they assume their new role as Cabinet Secretaries responsible for their respective ministries. After every general election, parliamentarians scrambled for a piece of the executive arm of government. READ ALSO: William Ruto's conspicuous absence during Uhuru's State address raises eyebrows. These help in steering the country's development. It also includes how they use the legal powers vested in them and their performance in the government. They oversee any undergoing development contracts in the governmental sectors. Such occurrences may lead to the appointing of new staff to the affected positions.

They do this by submitting periodic reports to different parliamentary committees. Minister for Indigenous Australians The Hon Ken Wyatt AM MP. The process might take a few days or even weeks, depending on the volume of approvals they are handling. The President, his Deputy, Attorney General and a minimum of fourteen Cabinet Secretaries make the Cabinet in Kenya.

The Uhuru Cabinet list, which he has recently refreshed are vital players in the government's agenda. SRC has been attempting to reduce the massive wage bill brought by devolution.

They affirm their faithfulness to the citizens of Kenya. They frequently hold meetings with the President and other members to update on the government's state of affairs. These appointees qualify after extensive parliamentary vetting.