Power Automate: Send an email using the Email Template – Part 2, Power Automate: Send an email using the Email Template – Part 1, How to show Form based on a Condition in Resco Mobile App. and leave the field blank. @v-zhos-msft  @v-bacao-msft  @Pieter_Veenstra @v-yamao-msft  love to get your thoughs, So the date is coming from a Data List. Trigger a flow based on email properties. This makes it all the more important to prevent unwanted flow executions. I will help report it and back to you later. To get the connector “Common Data Service (current environment)” you will have to navigate to power platform Check out the announcement of Power Platform content at Microsoft Ignite! @equals(triggerbody()?[‘prioritycode’],1). [‘_leadsourcecode_label’],’Advertisement’), Instead of an AND if you would have liked an OR between the two conditions, you could rewrite this as, @or(@equals(triggerbody()?[‘prioritycode’],1),@equals(triggerbody()? As you can see in the screenshot, you could provide one or more expressions, if you add more than one expression, it is an AND between them, which means all expressions provided should evaluate to TRUE for the trigger to execute. Power Platform and Dynamics 365 Integrations. If this reply has answered your question or solved your issue, please mark this question as answered. entity: lead

This flow works as expected. Thanks for the response, for the date it is a Data List as shown in my screen shot but as text e.g. While trigger condition is a part of the Power Automate framework and is available for all connectors and their triggers, Microsoft has added an easy way to specify the trigger condition for the Common Data Service (Current) connector. This works similarly to the trigger condition but requires the filters to be specified in ODATA format that we CDS developers are used to. I have a list that has 2 date fields: Short Term Due Date and Long Term Due Date. Hello, I'm trying to create a flow that will create list in my sharepoint site, I choosed the date picker so user can select the date from a calendar, it show up but don't pick up any date when we click on the day. Could you post what version of Automate you are using? Inogic expands its Dynamics 365 CRM apps team by acquiring Recurring Billing, Tax Processing & Software Subscription apps from Rockton Software.
Use this template to trigger a Flow when a Power BI data-driven alert is triggered. Did I answer you question? For example, you could add an action to send an e-mail to any audience, or perhaps add an issue to GitHub. :) By the way dates above are imaginary and not necessarily Calendar day 1 to 5. I'm trying to create a flow that will create list in my sharepoint site. SharePoint Security Sync – A smarter way to Synchronize Dynamics 365 CRM and SharePoint Security Model, How to automatically assign Leads in Dynamics 365 CRM & PowerApps – Lead Assignment and Distribution Automation, How to create Alerts or Reminders for Individual Records in Dynamics 365 CRM – Alerts4Dynamics, Accounting within CRM – Intuit QuickBooks integration with Dynamics 365 CRM – InoLink, Smart and Secure way to manage your attachments on SharePoint, Dropbox and Azure Blob Storage within Dynamics 365 CRM – Attach2Dynamics, 1 Click? By Microsoft. Can yo share more details on what component is the date coming from Sharepoint? Yes there’s one trigger for all three actions (Create, Update, Delete). and leave the field blank. This can be done by adding the following query parameter to the flow URL: ?overridefeatures=enableReactInvokeFlowPanel:true, You can turn off this feature by appending the following to the url ?overridefeatures=.