Wow. In IE 11, which should have worked under Enterprise Mode, trying to enable the datasheet view produced the same error notice reported by Suhasini. There is lots of ways doing that, but I was trying to save table as template with data.

of our users as we transitioned away from IE 8. You can even cut and paste from an Excel spreadsheet into a Datasheet View. //

DataSheet view is not working on sharepoint 2010 list. Go figure. So you must do view edit in old sharepoint and do new template copy... Mut most cases, you can get old listview back! Give Power [BI] to the people - securely share your insights. I works in SharePoint 2016/2013/2010, SharePoint Online Office 365 etc. Drawback is that when creating new views altho based on this listview, sharepoint does change it to new view style. What functionality do you seem to be missing? One of our users on Windows 7 with Office 2013 32-bit ran into this problem when we upgraded to IE 10 and IE 11. I have Office 2010 x64 installed, and had to install Office Access database engine 2007 x86: There are lot of features removed from the current datasheet view.

at the bottom of the datasheet.

was there and same old list view was there!!! The list cannot be displayed in DataSheet view for one or more of the following reasons:, Andy Wessendorf SharePoint Developer II | Rackspace

There are ways to make this work, and the usual suggestion is to find a copy of an Office 2007 product and either install it (such as, Another solution, and the one that I employed, is to install the.

For starters, the performance seems really bad for users.

You saved me a reinstall of Office. Luckily this has only happened to a handful Support for ActiveX controls is disabled. Please refer below links for your issues. June 2, 2010. I have Office 2010 x64 installed, and had to install Office Access database engine 2007 x86: © 2020 All rights reserved. I believe you need MS Access installed on the client to use datasheet view. Using the below mentioned requirement  in client machine. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. If you have installed the 64-bit new version of Microsoft Office, Office 2010, then you will most likely see the following message when trying to edit a SharePoint list using the Edit in datasheet function: The list cannot be displayed in Datasheet view for one or more of the following reasons: – A datasheet component compatible with Windows SharePoint Services is not installed. What worked for this user was setting up a new profile on the same View SharePoint 2010 List in Datasheet View. Verified that content approval wasn't turned on, point of contact user's browser updated, quick edit feature enabled, etc.

So I knew the issue was local to her system. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Working through the list of add-ons, I could see that the issue was related to the 'Microsoft Office List 16.0'. June 2, 2010. SharePoint Datasheet View and Office 2010 64-bit. - A datasheet component compatible with Miicrosoft Sharepoint Foundation is not installed. It's caused a lot of us to have to rethink moving, anything else over to SharePoint because the users are NOT happy. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Datasheet View: This view is similar to standard view but here you can do bulk update operations directly on ... MVP (5 times). In this blog post I will create a Datasheet View on a list in SharePoint 2010. // ]]> This is great information, thanks.