The PowerPoint focuses on: The origin of World Environment Day The aims of World Environment Day The theme for World Environment Day 2020 - Biodiversity The issues affecting the environment - global warming, air pollution from factories and traffic, fracking, deforestation How we can help to look after our wonderful planet earth - re-recycling, re-using and reducing … are causes of environmental degradation. Any substance that causes pollution is called ‘ pollutant’. Over population triggers the misuse of natural resources. gcse.async = true; The World Environment Day slogan selected for 2007 is Melting Ice – a hot Topic? Indigence is both the cause and effect of environmental degradation. Essay on “How to Achieve Success” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

On the one hand the advancements of science and technology have added to the human comforts by way of providing automobiles, electrical appliances, supersonic jets, space crafts, better medicines, better chemicals to control harmful insects and other pests, etc., on the other hand, they have given us a very serious problem to face and that is ‘pollution’. Depending upon the scale of operations of these sectors  the intensity of noise pollution varies. Banners are put all across the street promoting the message of World Environment Day. It hopes to empower people to become active agents promoting the cause of the environment. These environmental issue include both pollution related issues such as global warming, acid rain and one depletion and resource depletion problems such as deforestation and extinction of species besides other bio- diversity issues. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Environment remains largely little understood  subject. The theme for world environment day 2019 is ‘ Air Pollution’. Tourism described as a smokeless industry has its environmental implications. Million tonnes of hazardous waste flood the environment every year. Another pollution that seriously affects life on earth is noise pollution. It is like the proverbial case of the elephant and the blind man.

gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? However, it is increasingly being felt that the transport sector, both surface and air transport is responsible for intensifying the noise level. Essay on “Concept of A Welfare State” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. Important cities are filled with tons of pollutants such as Carbon monoxide from petrol, diesel and jet engines, sulphur – dioxide from factories, power plants and other chemical compounds from various sources. Essay on “The New Seven Wonders of the World” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

yet, clean air is a rare commodity today. s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); The little things, the ones that really matter are things like recycling our waste, using paper and products made of word discriminate and these can be done by anybody and everybody. Your email address will not be published. Solved Question Paper 2019 of Information Technology (402) Class X CBSE Board Question Paper of Vocational IT NSQF 402 Code. The problem of environmental degradation is a complex one and there is no single solution. formal Letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations. Hindi Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Samaj Seva” , ”समाज सेवा” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Classes. World Environment Day (WED) is hosted every year by a different city and celebrated with an international exhibition through the week of June 5.