The busiest and most developed airport in South Sudan is Juba Airport, which has regular international connections to Asmara, Entebbe, Nairobi, Cairo, Addis Ababa, and Khartoum. My sisters were busy collecting water for my family.”. [61] The United Nations has peacekeepers in the country as part of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). Water for South Sudan (WSS) works with local communities to determine where boreholes should be drilled. However, due to Juba's poor infrastructure and massive urban growth, as well as its lack of centrality within South Sudan, the South Sudanese Government adopted a resolution in February 2011 to study the creation of a new planned city to serve as the seat of government. [247] Furthermore, UNICEF warned that more than 1 million children in South Sudan were subjected to malnutrition. In recognition of these efforts with youth football, the country recently hosted the CECAFA youth football competitions. [105] Israel quickly recognized South Sudan as an independent country,[106] and is host to thousands of refugees from South Sudan,[107] who now face deportation to their native country. And to see the young girls not have to walk miles and miles collecting the water and to have the opportunity to go to school because the well is close by has touched my heart so much.".

[125] On 25 November 2011, it officially joined the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, a regional grouping of East African states. The environment is threatened by the development of the economy and infrastructure. "[145] The Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan was established by the Human Rights Council in March 2016. 2, 2013. p. 174-196.

[92], While former Information Minister Barnaba Marial Benjamin vowed that South Sudan will respect freedom of the press and allow journalists unrestricted access in the country, the chief editor of Juba newspaper The Citizen claimed that in the absence of a formal media law in the fledgling republic, he and his staff have faced abuse at the hands of security forces. The proposal was supported by the Lakes state government and at least one Ramciel tribal chief. Dut traveled back to Sudan for a joyous family reunion. With so many people throughout the world today forced to flee their homes because of conflict and lack of resources, a focus on programs that will reduce displacement is vital. [30] The majority of inhabitants adhere to Christianity or various traditional faiths. They primarily speak Chadian languages and their traditional territories are in the southern portions of the Sudanese regions of Northern Kurdufan and Darfur. Their reunion, he says, was emotional and wonderful. Je m'entends bien avec ma mere parce que je peux lui parler de tout. In September 2011, a spokesman for the government said the country's political leaders had accepted a proposal to build a new capital at Ramciel,[80] a place in Lakes state near the borders with Central Equatoria and Jonglei. South Sudan has 248 km (154 mi) of single-track 3 ft 6 in (1,067 mm) gauge railway line from the Sudanese border to Wau terminus. "[165] The chief American technical adviser for the census in the south said that the census-takers probably reached only 89% of the population.