Emphasis is given to topics that will be useful in other disciplines, including systems of equations, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, similarity, and positive definite matrices. facebook; twitter; Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn … The online lectures on this list are more than lecture notes or a slideshow on a topic -- they were designed for audiences like you, with carefully sequenced themes and topics taught by veteran educators, and often with additional resources for your own independent study. The Top Online College Courses and Classes. It is said that the pen is mightier than the sword ‘ and for the most part this is true when we look at some of history’s greatest speakers and writers using their powers of language to persuade. These lectures will engage the verbal areas of your brain, reinforcing information you have gained through reading or practical experience. In 1935, he inspired students to form the school's first debate team, which went on to challenge Harvard in the national championship. If you’ve previously studied a topic, these lectures will remind you of prior information. This compensation does not influence our school rankings, resource guides, or other information published on this site. Course Description: This is a basic subject on matrix theory and linear algebra.

Kendra Cherry. Featured programs and school search results are for schools that compensate us. But it was through Plato’s dialogues that Socrates became more famous for his contribution in the field of ethics. Directed by Denzel Washington. Be … Our archives of lectures cover a huge range of topics and have all been handpicked and carefully designed by experienced instructors throughout the world who are dedicated to helping you take the next step toward meeting your career goals. Famous Debaters in History.

Here is a list of famous people who honed their communication skills as college debaters: - James Copeland , once Executive Director of the NFL (National Forensic League), said that several years ago a survey of U.S. With Denzel Washington, Forest Whitaker, Kimberly Elise, Nate Parker. Best of all, you can watch or listen to them at any time: at 3 a.m., during your morning commute, or while walking the dog. © 2020 WWW.ONLINECOURSES.COM ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Debater often go onto to become leaders in their fields.

A prepared lecture from an interesting, thoughtful expert is one of the classic methods of teaching, and if that expert knows his or her business, you won't be bored for a moment.