Dadurch werden die Latenz und die Anforderungen an die Umkreiskapazität reduziert.

ist weder mein Ziel noch sollte es ihre Angst sein. When using a PAC file for direct egress of vital Office 365 network traffic, you also need to allow connectivity to the IP addresses behind these URLs on your network perimeter firewall. Sometimes a change will be published outside of that schedule due to operational, support, or security requirements. This service provides email link management and monitoring against malicious behavior. Es werden Netzwerkanforderungen Microsoft und unveröffentlichte IP-Adressen von Drittanbietern angezeigt.You will see network requests to Microsoft and third-party owned, unpublished, IP addresses. This isn't a comprehensive list of all IP addresses you'll see network requests for. Performance in Skype for Business Online, Proxy Servers for Skype for Business Online, Outbound proxy considerations and Office 365 In questo modo si riducono la latenza e i requisiti di capacità perimetrale.This reduces latency and your perimeter capacity requirements. Einige Anbieter von Proxyservern haben diese automatisierte Konfiguration aktiviert, wie sie in, Some proxy server vendors have enabled automated configuration of this as described in the. Lo script può essere modificato in modo da integrarlo con la gestione dei file PAC esistente. Diese Endpunkte ändern sich regelmäßig, und wenn Sie die Änderungen nicht verwalten, kann das dazu führen, dass Benutzer blockiert werden oder sich die Leistung verschlechtert, nachdem eine neue IP-Adresse oder URL hinzugefügt worden ist.These endpoints change regularly and if you do not manage the changes, you can end up with users blocked or with poor performance after a new IP address or URL is added. Dieser Dienst bietet Schutz und Überwachung von Domänennamen zum Schutz vor böswilligem Verhalten.This service provides domain name protection and monitoring to protect against malicious behavior. möchte auch gar nicht abstreiten, dass der freie ungesicherte Zugang zum When using per-user IE proxy, it uses the IE proxy of current user. It does not validate the intermediary CNAME redirection records. Verificare se l'indirizzo IP è incluso in un intervallo pubblicato più ampio usando un calcolatore CIDR, come questi per, Check if the IP address is included in a larger published range using a CIDR calculator, such as these for. Es lohnt sich, ein paar Minuten zu investieren, um sicherzustellen, dass die Peeringbeziehung Ihres ISPs optimal ist. Sehen Sie sich beispielsweise die folgende Liste von DNS-Einträgen an, die schließlich in die IP-Adresse IP_1 aufgelöst werden:For example, consider the following series of DNS records, which ultimately resolves to the IP address IP_1: Diese CNAME-Umleitungen sind ein normaler Bestandteil des DNS, und für den Clientcomputer wie für den Proxyserver transparent.These CNAME redirects are a normal part of the DNS and are transparent to the client computer and transparent to proxy servers. Questi reindirizzamenti CNAME sono un aspetto normale del DNS, e sono trasparenti per il computer client e per i server proxy. Office 365 does not provide IP addresses of all required network endpoints. Client computers need a DNS A or AAAA record that includes one or more IP Address(s) to connect to a cloud service. Se appartiene a Microsoft, potrebbe trattarsi di un partner interno. Überprüfungsgeräte für direkte Office 365-Netzwerkanforderungen zu umgehen.We recommend bypassing your proxy or inspection devices for direct Office 365 network requests. Audio/Video-Strom ist dann nur eine Verbindung aktiv. Microsoft veröffentlicht die zwischengeschalteten CNAME-Einträge nicht. L'unico modo affidabile per bloccare i servizi consumer consiste nel limitare l'accesso al nome FQDN, The only reliable way to block consumer services is to restrict access to the. The goal of this blog is to clarify how IT Pros can optimize Office 365 ProPlus deployments with a proxy server in order to leverage a new concept called Hybrid or “Lean Installs”. This isn't a comprehensive list of all IP addresses you'll see network requests for. Quando viene pubblicata una modifica che richiede di agire perché è stato aggiunto un indirizzo IP o un URL, bisogna prevedere un preavviso di 30 giorni tra la data di pubblicazione della modifica e la disponibilità di un servizio di Office 365 in tale endpoint.

Keep in mind that blocking access to the Microsoft consumer services alone won't prevent the ability for someone on your network to exfiltrate information using an Office 365 tenant or other service. von Office 365 authentifiziert werden, direkt zu den You can modify the script so that it integrates with your existing PAC file management. Può essere utile dedicare qualche minuto ad assicurarsi che la relazione di peering dell'ISP sia ottimale.