Campaign finance requirements | “We’re receiving conflicting information,” he said. At the beginning of the 2015 legislative session, Williams served on the following committees: Williams served on these committees in the 2011-2012 legislative session: BT50.Widget({ Incumbent Phil Williams was unopposed in the Republican primary and was unchallenged in the general election. .infobox p { Phil Williams, 69, lived in his home in West Hempstead, New York, until December 2014 when he went to Florida for surgery. The town’s definition of dangerous is defined, in part, as something that is "…unsafe structurally, or a fire hazard or a nuisance to the general public.".

   background-color: #db0000 !important; Federal courts | 

} Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. background-color: grey; Largest cities | The town acted very swiftly.”.

color: white; Phil Williams, a 69-year-old veteran, took a leave of absence to recover from a knee surgery in Florida. According to the Chapter 90 law, only “registered mail” is “sufficient evidence” of notice of service. Healthcare |

“What you’re looking at is the result of what he did when he went up there.”. width: 57%; He paid his property taxes. The documents are appended to the bottom of this story. “Not sure how he was able to get out there since he did not drive.”, According to records obtained by the I-Team, town inspectors made the decision to board up Tynan’s house last June. “I was in the house in October and November, and nobody knocked on my door, and nobody came in to inspect it,” Williams said, dismissing the possibility that the town thought the house was abandoned.

Williams said he doesn’t know what happened to his stuff. font-weight: bold; Currently, the town is dealing with 850 open Chapter 90 cases. It’s a law that allows building inspectors to identify and demolish structures that they deem are dangerous or abandoned. When he returned to his West Hempstead home, it was gone. width: 250px; Williams left West Hempstead in December to undergo a total knee replacement in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where a friend agreed to help him recuperate.

float:right; width: 50%; Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. We had six children that lived in the house.”. 

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State constitution, Courts in Alabama | Please, Alabama House of Representatives elections, 2014, Alabama House of Representatives elections, 2010, Endorsements by state officials of presidential candidates in the 2012 election, National Federation of Independent Business,, 2012 endorsement of Mitt Romney for President, Former member, Alabama House of Representatives, State house candidate endorsed by a Tea Party organization, 2014 unopposed primary and general election, Submit a photo, survey, video, conversation, or bio, Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing, Alabama House of Representatives, District 6. [5], On July 14, 2009, Williams was elected to the District 6 seat in the Alabama House of Representatives, defeating opponent Jenny Rhodes Askins (D). The town demolished the house because, according to its engineers, it was unsafe. } When Williams drove home, all he found was a patch of dead, overgrown grass. margin-bottom: 1px; Public education | The Northern California estate where actor and comedian Robin Williams took his own life has gone up for sale for $7.25 million. In 2014, the Alabama State Legislature was in session from January 14 through April 4. width: 100%; .top_disclaimer { House of Representatives | Ballotpedia features 317,297 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Phil Williams is a former Republican member of the Alabama House of Representatives, representing District 6 from 2009 to 2018. Phil Williams returned from Florida in August with a new knee and an empty lot after the Town of Hempstead, N.Y., tore down the house where he’d lived for … “It certainly needed stucco repair,” he said.

In 2015, the Alabama State Legislature was in session from March 3 through June 4. Spokeswoman Susie Pokalsky said the town mailed and posted notices on Williams’ door stating that an engineer had determined that the house was structurally unsound. Energy | legislatorID: 5803, width: 500, background-color: #003388;
} Court of Criminal Appeals | display: inline-block;