This is a fix that is officially documented by Microsoft itself. How to set up Your Phone for Windows 10. If our problem gets solved, we can keep it disabled until the download the complete. Boot the dissimilar hardware/computer from EaseUS Todo Backup emergency disk. AutoPilotGetPolicyStringByName succeeded:  policy name = AutopilotServiceCorrelationId; policy value = c1f0b3cb-87ab-40f4-8cd6-79b91c3b4c0d. 3. If the issue is relating to Windows device enrollment From professional MS technicians and experienced Windows 10 users, we get to know that the restarting problem is with our very old Windows Update files, which updates itself every time while a new update is trying to install on our computer. "ConfigName"="ZTP_CONFIG_ACCEPT_EULA", [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Provisioning\Diagnostics\AutoPilot\6] If the issue is relating to Windows device enrollment keys together on the keyboard. "ConfigName"="ZTP_CONFIG_SKIP_WINDOWS_PATCH_UX". The speed will be faster and there will be no interruptions too.

Select the system image on your drive and click "OK" to continue. —PCWorld. Automatic logon as the specified Azure AD user, 7. AutoPilotGetOobeSettingsOverride succeeded:  OOBE setting = AUTOPILOT_OOBE_SETTINGS_AAD_AUTH_USING_DEVICE_TICKET; state = disabled. AutoPilotManager set AutoPilot profile as available. + F10 This will start the Windows Update service again. Copyright © EaseUS. AutoPilot configuration file path: %windir%\Provisioning\AutoPilot\AutoPilotConfigurationFile.json Save all changes and restart your computer. We've noticed that restarting stuck problem happens every now and then when users try to upgrade Windows 10 from Windows 7 & Windows 8, or just do a regular Windows 10 update (i.e.

You can switch to a wired connection and start the Update Manager again and test the issue. We can try to open the Event Viewer or Registry. Hence we should only disable them momentarily and run the Update Manager. 2. End the processes of all running programs, then you'll recover from the 'Restarting' screen. AutoPilotManager retrieve settings succeeded. AutoPilotManager set AutoPilot profile as available. To open Command Prompt at Boot in Windows 10, we can try This works in most cases, where the issue is originated due to a system corruption. Update all drive drivers and programs to ensure all things will work just fine on the new computer.

Always.". AutoPilot policy [AUTOPILOT_OOBE_SETTINGS_AAD_AUTH_USING_DEVICE_TICKET] not found. " Windows 10 was a great leap forward towards redefining operating systems along with setting new boundaries for ease of access.