I did a really stupid thing the other day: I let my PA daughter eat chex mix at a birthday party. My husband asked me if I was sure it was O.K. What Are the Different Types of Allergy Doctors? Fortunately, he took it upon himself to go look at the bag in the kitchen, and then came to tell me that it had peanut flour in it!!! The important thing is you caught it, you watched her carefully, and you were ready to take action if necessary. Awareness | Causes | Food Allergy News | New Product News | Other Allergies | Peanut Allergy News | Prevention | Restaurants | Travel | Videos. palm oil? With the holidays just around the corner, you might be thinking about how to adapt your favorite classic holiday recipes to … When allergies are severe, primary care physicians often refer... Are you tired of serving fresh-cut fruits and veggies as a healthy snack? We decided to just stay at the party and watch her, and fortunately she was O.K. What To Look For In A Peanut-Free Food Label, How To Find Peanut-Free Bakeries That'll Make You Go Yum, Craving Chocolate? My son's last reaction happend on Christmas Day when he was 2 1/2, some stupid idiot gave him a peanut butter cookie without checking it out first, and we spent 6 hours on Christmas Day in the ER. There are plenty of safe and delicious nut alternatives to use in recipes. See more ideas about Peanut free, Nut allergies, Tree nut allergy. Personally I don’t care about the strawberry rice chex (although I don’t have peanut or soy allergies) because Dh brought some home the other day based on a safe-appearing label but they smell (and taste, according to him) so artificially strawberry flavored that I don’t think I would like them anyway. As manufacturers and consumers, we understand your concern about potential allergens in the foods you eat. Click on one of the categories below to see all topics and discussions. Your email address will not be published. Yay! I know she used to eat it a lot a few years ago, and the ingredient label did not mention peanuts at that time. Simple because we don’t have artificial colors, flavors or preservatives (BHT). Because every case different, reactions will... Tree nuts and peanuts are distinctly different. I normally am so cautious, but I got very lazy and complacent somehow. The Pretty Bee | Disclosure | Privacy Policy. Even if... Are you craving sweets? Dating With A Peanut Allergy: To Kiss Or Not To Kiss? Asthma disrupts the airways located in the lungs. Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal Twix 3 Musketeers Kit-Kat Nestles Nabisco Oke-Doke Chips Mike-Sells Chips Snyder's Chips Chex Mix Nestle Chocolate Chips Keebler …