A UK Conservative MP says there could be as many as 10,000 victims of modern slavery working in factories in Leicester. “Officers from the different agencies spoke to business owners and workers to discuss concerns and provide advice around how protect workplaces from the risk of coronavirus. Police Investigate Human Trafficking, Slavery of Romanian Fruit Pickers https://t.co/CvinE7DHKf, — Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 29, 2020. A Member of Parliament has linked illegal sweatshops in Leicester, England, to the coronavirus outbreaks which have seen the city put into special lockdown measures, as a parliamentary committee takes Internet retailers employing their services to task and law enforcement carry out a spate of modern slavery arrests elsewhere in the country. The GLAA said no enforcement has been used during the visits and officers have not at this stage identified any offences under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Breitbart London reported last month that takeaway restaurant boss Hargit Singh Bariana had been jailed for targeting and enslaving homeless, mostly British, white men in the towns of Blyth and Sunderland. Conservative MP for North West Leicestershire Andrew Bridgen told Sky News on Monday that a “conspiracy of silence” has allowed factory owners to continue to employ staff working far less than the legal minimum wage in unsafe conditions in sweatshops. Teacher at county primary tests positive for coronavirus, Landlord speaks out after biker funeral that attracted 400 guests lands him with Covid fine, "It was a scenario that just got out of control for me”, London-style Oyster card payment scheme could be introduced in Leicester and across Midlands, The proposed system would see payments for rail and bus journeys integrated across the region, 'Police pursuit' on streets of Leicester ends when car crashes into railings at Pork Pie island, Two teenagers were arrested on suspicion of burglary, 'Don't destroy this beautiful green space' - Evington residents start petition against new homes plan, Residents say it's a 'breath of fresh air within the city', Spitting thug assaulted seven Leicestershire police officers, kicking two in their faces, The judge said Robert Wilkinson showed "utter disregard for any form of authority" even when officers tried to help him, Extra £880k in Government funds to go towards reviving Hinckley town centre, 'Our high streets need help to bounce back', Leicester City's Wesley Fofana transfer confirmed in Saint-Etienne statement, Leicester City's centre-back hunt is over with the French club announcing that they have sold the 19-year-old for what is the highest fee they have received for a player, Coronavirus cases in Leicester near 7,000 after latest figures released, Cases were confirmed in every area of the county according to today's update. A report by the think tank the Centre for Social Justice and the anti-slavery charity Justice and Care says that nearly 100,000 slaves are working across Britain, around ten times more than 2017 government estimates. Emily Kenway.

If our leaders won’t shoulder the burden, we have to. Very few face prosecution relative to the number of victims found and even fewer are convicted. The HSE has however said it issued an improvement notice to a factory that was found not to working in Covid-secure conditions and is investigating two others. Local lawmakers have blamed the new wave of outbreaks on the fact that many youths do not speak English and are unable to understand medical guidance. GLAA Head of Enforcement Ian Waterfield said: “We are committed to working with partners to ensure that workers in Leicester are safe during the coronavirus pandemic and are not having their employment rights eroded or abused. “Multi-agency visits involving officers from the GLAA, Leicestershire Police, Leicester City Council, National Crime Agency, Health and Safety Executive, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue and Immigration Enforcement have been carried out over the last week. “Human traffickers and Organised Crime Groups are running riot in too many communities.