Clear Winters are the season with the highest level of contrast and can pull color combinations that would look overpowering on anybody else.

Does it matter? If you’re getting married, congratulations! These are all the same pattern, just at different sizes. When we call something simple it is not a bad thing.

Related: Prints, Patterns & Textures in 12 Tones.

To discover your colours is to discover yourself. She handles her Bright Winter colour palette as if it was contaminated nuclear waste and tells me she needs some time to let it sink. Bright Winter colours are clear, vivid, powerful, striking and fun. TCI Bright Winter corporate palette.

Especially for the reluctant Bright Winter: Now, we could say that it is all about fear of being noticed. If harmonising with the fan is too hard, try checking it against your face. I see quite a few Bright Winters. It is amazing what the right makeup colours can do to lift a neutral outfit. If you are looking for a more specific palette and your colouring is more neutral than Cool Winter, check Dark or Bright Winter instead.

If you should happen to be a nail polish person, use nail polish in your best Bright Winter red and watch how that breathes life into the neutral outfit. Bright Winter has a crystalline, vivid, clear look. It added that little sparkle that lifted the outfit nicely into Bright Winter territory. But they do exist, as you can see in the Pinterest board below. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Related: Jewellery, Watches and Glasses in 12 Tones. The classic Winter makeup look is the pin-up look, with light eyeshadow, winged black liner and a red lip. Sure. Clear Winter Color Palette. My Bright Winter course is tailor made for you who belong on the brighter side of winter and want to really understand your season, but want to avoid looking clownish and conspicuous in the high chroma colours of Bright Winter. In Norway, being simple is a complement. With the taupes, it is better to lean cool than to choose a warm beige version. Winter colours are not in widespread use for interior decorating, with the notable exception of modern designs. Less shiny metals can work if the other elements of the item — stones in jewellery, band and face in a watch — are bright enough. In this Pinterest board I’ve tried to envision what a Bright Winter room or home would look like, and the results are clean, graphic, fun, and yes, sometimes dramatic. If you’ve just discovered that you are a Bright Winter, and you’re learning how to create a Bright Winter wardrobe, congratulations!

She believes that your wardrobe shouldn't fit the latest trend, it should fit you, your colours and your lifestyle. Beautiful stones for Bright Winter jewellery are diamonds, rubies, emeralds, blue and pink sapphires, and many colours of Swarovski crystals. If you want to go all out, you can make your whole wedding themed in Bright Winter colours.