Everything about this portable fire pit is meticulously crafted to maximize airflow while it's lit, from its double-wall construction to its bottom air vents. London Stereoscopic Company/Hulton Archive/Getty Images.

", 21. At a certain point in your life you start to see an imaginary door closing on all your opportunities, what could have been. Drachenfutter: Translates from German as “dragon fodder”. This is the word for that intense feeling of joy and excitement just before something fun is about to start.
I’ve hear all her songs.” You know your friend’s made a mistake, and so does the other person, but your friend might not realize right away. Based on the earliest known written references to trick or treat, this may have happened in Canada during the 1920s. * Cafune (Portuguese): tenderly running one's fingers through a loved one's hair.

Yahgan is the language of the indigenous people of Tierra Del Fuego. Russian (тоска) Whether your room needs a little extra warmth or its own heat source, Aikoper’s incredibly precise space heater has got you covered. And the one for your tablet. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising
Rough Translation: “Yearning; Emotional pain”. Yahgan Erklärungsnot: German for the state of having to explain yourself quickly. Think of coming across a picture of your ex in your phone or on Facebook (one you parted with on good terms).

For a space heater that adds a fun pop of color to any room, check out this yellow unit from Isiler. ", 23. In Towards a positive cross-cultural lexicography: Enriching our emotional landscape through 216 'untranslatable' words pertaining to well-being, published this year The Journal of Positive Psychology, he sets out the hypothesis that familiarizing yourself with these words could "enrich [our] experiences of well-being.". No account required, upload your photos and videos today! Cwtch (Welsh): "to hug, a safe welcoming place. * Koi no yokan (恋の予感) (Japanese): the feeling on meeting someone that falling in love will be inevitable. Tinypic™ is a photo and video sharing service that allows you to easily upload, link and share your images and videos on MySpace®, eBay®, blogs and message boards. Habseligkeiten (German): "blessed, precious belongings (as in one's most treasured possessions). Rough Translation: “Romantic excitement”. ", 7. Fjellvant (Norwegian) (adj.

It’s unique in that it includes a built-in fan to keep warm air flowing—something that’s especially handy if you need to work without wearing gloves. Ramé (Balinese): "something at once chaotic and joyful. Feb 28, 2018 - Explore Lupee Velasquez's board "Words" on Pinterest. Beyond just being in love, this word captures the euphoric feeling of when you’re just starting to fall in love. Towards a positive cross-cultural lexicography: Enriching our emotional landscape through 216 'untranslatable' words pertaining to well-being, Don't dip your hand in boiling hot oil like this, Scientific American endorses Joe Biden, breaking 175-year tradition of never endorsing a presidential candidate, Scientists find preserved cave bear frozen more than 20,000 years ago, This 6-in-1 Universal Cable wants to be the one-stop answer to all of those power needs, Bring the karaoke bar home with this on-demand software, Ditch the binoculars and travel light with this high definition monocular telescope, Terms It’s the sentimental feeling you have for someone you once loved, but no longer do. ", 18. By 1927, young trick-or-treaters had adopted the phrase themselves.

Otsukaresama (お疲れ様) (Japanese): "gratitude or appreciation for others' hard work. ): "being accustomed to walk in the mountains. It’s that thing that happens when someone catches your eye and you both want the other to be the first to say “hello.” It’s also that moment before a first kiss when neither person is sure whether they should go for it or not.

As Merriam-Webster reports, a Saskatchewan newspaper first mentioned the words together in an article from 1923.

* Kvell (Yiddish): to feel pride and joy in someone else's accomplishment. Mamihlapinatapai holds the Guinness World Record for “Most Succinct Word.” It’s usually described as “a wordless, meaningful look between two people who want the other to initiate something they both desire, but neither wants to start.” It’s definitely something we’ve all experienced on one level or another. ", 20. You also have to bring all the charging cables for your phone. Get The New Daily free every morning and evening.

Uitwaaien (Dutch): "walking in the wind for fun or exercise. Redefine your inbox with Dictionary.com updates!