"[87] Former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair called Berger's treatment "shameful", and said: "The fact that someone like Luciana Berger – who is a smart, capable, active member of parliament doing her best for her constituents – the fact that she should even be subject to a no-confidence motion with this type of allegation swirling around is shameful for the Labour party. There was some awkward laughter. Berger’s pregnancies never seem to be without political incident. [38][34], On 31 October 2010, Berger appeared in a Radio Five Live show which also featured among others Kelvin MacKenzie, the former editor of The Sun. [93] In July 2019 a spokesman for Berger said she had "no intention" of joining the Liberal Democrats. “We have a duty to the next generation. Voices. [91], In June 2019, she left Change UK to sit as an independent MP. [24][23] She was a committee member of the London Jewish Forum, an organisation dedicated to the promotion of Jewish life in London, and stepped down when she was elected to parliament in 2010. [25], Berger was selected as prospective parliamentary candidate (PPC) in early 2010 by the Liverpool Wavertree party. It should also perhaps be mentioned that she is currently heavily pregnant. [34][35][36][37] Reacting to the killings of a number of children by dangerous dogs and the attacks leading to injuries of 5,000 postmen and women a year, she proposed allowing police to take action on private property, produce dog control notices, and instigate compulsory micro-chipping, so that dogs and their owners can be traced more easily. Luciana Berger said: “I am delighted to have been elected to serve as chair of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance. Luciana Berger: The resignation of Berger from the Labour Party is a sad mark of how toxic anti-Semitism on the left has become. [13] She was named the University of Birmingham 2012 Alumna of the Year. Berger responded to criticism on her Twitter feed, writing: "Was there for the MP bit with Amber Rudd, wasn't told before who the other guests were". In two weeks, she should be going on maternity leave. [69], As Shadow Minister for Climate Change for three years,[70] Berger was critical of the Conservative government's actions on the environmental agenda. In her view, the site "could start by proactively banning racist words which aren't allowed to be printed in newspapers or broadcast on TV that could never be used in a positive way". UK Politics. UKIP suspended Sen from the party for the antisemitic tweet to Berger, as well as other similar comments. She had previously signed parliamentary motions in support of NHS funding for homeopathy. [22] The report was also critical of Berger, for—following complaints from Jewish students that the union was tolerating antisemitism—attending a meeting with the head of the School of Oriental and African Studies, inasmuch as the report suggested that given that she was a national executive member Berger should not have attended the meeting (which it said was implicitly critical of the union), and instead should have sought to support the union in addressing the problem first.