Make sure to substitute appropriately for the IP address placeholder italics value specified in this example. Optionally, to obtain alternate but integrated views of the saved message data, select the Message Stack Tool Window from the Windows submenu of the global Message Analyzer Tools menu, if the window is not already open, to expose the underlying message stack that supported top-level transactions. While the Live Trace Session is running, launch a web browser and click some links to navigate to several web locations.
You can also drag and drop *.log files to display their data. When you save a customized Trace Scenario, it becomes a new item in the Trace Scenario user Library in the Category that you specified. To learn more about creating Trace Scenario templates, see Creating and Managing Custom Trace Scenarios. If you have not logged off from Windows after the first installation of Message Analyzer, please log off and then log back on before performing these procedures. Modifying an Existing Data Retrieval Session This action ensures that in all subsequent logons following installation, your security token will be updated with the required security credentials from the Message Capture Users Group. To start a Live Trace Session immediately with no further configuration, you can simply click the Loopback and Unencrypted IPSEC Trace Scenario in the Favorite Scenarios list on the Start Page, where this scenario is accessible by default. There is currently no Microsoft replacement for Microsoft Message Analyzer in development at this time. When you're happy there's enough information to explore, click Stop to stop the capture. Capturing Message Data More Information The data from the files that display in this list is not yet loaded into Message Analyzer. To learn more about special filtering configurations that you can specify for the Microsoft-Windows-NDIS-PacketCapture provider, see Using the Advanced Settings - Microsoft-Windows-NDIS-PacketCapture Dialog.
Data Viewers, Displaying Data Quickly From a Saved Trace File, Starting a Live Trace Session with a Built-In Trace Scenario, Modifying an Existing Data Retrieval Session, Displaying Different Data Viewers to Change Analysis Perspectives, Creating and Saving a Customized Trace Scenario, To apply an HTTP view Filter to Loopback and Unencrypted IPSEC trace results and examine all HTTP-related messages, To apply TCP view Filters to Loopback and Unencrypted IPSEC trace results and expose TCP diagnostics, Using the Advanced Settings - Microsoft-PEF-NDIS-PacketCapture Dialog, Using the Advanced Settings - Microsoft-Windows-NDIS-PacketCapture Dialog, Creating and Managing Custom Trace Scenarios, When you are done with reconfiguring the session, click the. More Information
Otherwise, for later operating systems, the Microsoft-Windows-NDIS-PacketCapture provider (with remote capabilities) is added to the list. Under Add Data Source in the New Session dialog, click the Live Trace button to display the Live Trace tab along with the associated session configuration features contained in the New Session dialog. Running the Custom Trace Scenario Highlight the row in which the Ethernet adapter exists in the System Network tree grid of the Advanced Settings - Microsoft-PEF-NDIS-PacketCapture dialog, and then click the Apply to Highlighted button in Group 1. Otherwise, you will be unable to capture network traffic in Trace Scenarios that use the Microsoft-PEF-NDIS-PacketCapture provider, Microsoft-Windows-NDIS-PacketCapture provider, or the Microsoft-PEF-WFP-MessageProvider, unless you start Message Analyzer with the right-click Run as administrator option. Filtering Live Trace Session Results. To learn more about how to manipulate and analyze saved trace data that you have loaded into the Message Analyzer Analysis Grid viewer, see the following sections: Analysis Grid Viewer You can do this by first selecting the Ethernet adapter in the Adapters list of the dialog and then specifying an IP address in the IP Addresses text box in the Filters pane of the dialog.
Alternatively, you can start some network application. Select the Provider tab in the dialog and then specify an IP Address filtering configuration. If you want to modify an existing Data Retrieval Session so that you can load additional data from one or more files, for example saved traces and logs, or if you want to specify other configurations that include a Session Filter, perform the steps of the following procedure. This data may be filtered and presented in grids, charts, graphs, timelines and more. After you run a custom Trace Scenario template from the New Session dialog, you have the option to reopen the session configuration by clicking the Edit Session button on the global Message Analyzer toolbar. However, if you want to enable the indicated configuration features to specify changes, you can select the Full Edit mode, although you should be aware that a reload of all data will be required if you Apply the changes. Retrieving Message Data Before you begin using Message Analyzer to capture live messages or retrieve data from saved message files and logs, you should familiarize yourself with its technologies and features. In the Open dialog, select the file/s that contain the data you want to retrieve, then click the Open button to exit the dialog. Accessibility â review the accessibility shortcuts that are available with Message Analyzer. for example to search for diagnostic errors.