As a result, it requires at least 6 – 8 in. Using cover crops or manure to boost fertility, employing cultural and mechanical weed control, and incorporating crop rotation can allow successful organic production of this crop. The crop is primarily cross pollinated, and following pollination, it takes a flower about 30 more days to develop into a mature seed. The flowers and seeds occur in a spike at the end of the stem or tillers, looking somewhat like a cattail or bullrush head. General purpose organic materials such as certain Bt and pyrethrin products may be used on most crops, including pearl millet. On sandy or poor fertility soils, wider row spacings may be better since they will allow individual plants to develop more lateral (sideways) roots, due to less row-to-row competition. of stubble to regrow. An all-crop or small grain combine header is appropriate for harvesting pearl millet. Because millet s have no prussic acid potential, hybrid pearl millet is preferred for grazing under conditions in which prussic acid might be hazardous. Since pearl millet is planted relatively late, two preplant tillage operations are recommended, first to stimulate germination of weed seeds, then, several days later, to kill weed seedlings prior to planting. There is some question as to whether these labels apply only to forage millet, or also cover grain type millet. Lower the stocking rates during the last part of the grazing season. Millets, like any plant, can still accumulate nitrates and should be tested if high nitrates are a potential concern. In the meantime, pearl millet grain can certainly be used on-farm as a feed for cows, hogs, or poultry. However, it also performs relatively well on sandy soils, under acidic soil conditions, and when available soil moisture and soil fertility are low. Seeds are pointed at one end, rounded at the other, and primarily light colored with a blue or gray tinge to them. According to research in Georgia, pearl millet is 8 to 60% higher protein, and 40% higher in lysine than is feed corn. Use of pearl millet grain on a commercial basis only began in the U.S. in the early 1990's, but has led to production on several thousand acres in Georgia and Florida. Be notified by email when this product is back in stock. In small test plots (less than an acre), birds have occasionally eaten almost every seed. Lack of familiarity with the crop has limited its use in other livestock feed markets. Seed in April (i.e., whenever soil temperatures at 2” depth reach 65o F) - June. The birdseed market could generate higher prices for pearl millet than the feed market, provided the demand for it was strong enough. stubble height is maintained. In other states, narrower rows have usually given a yield improvement over wide rows, with yields optimized at 15 inch spacings in some studies and at narrower spacings, such as 7 to 8 inches, in other research. Pearl Millet originated in Africa and is the most widely planted summer annual grass in Georgia. Fungicide applications are not recommended for pearl millet, but there are labeled products for millets: Anchor, Maxim, Mefenonxam, and Metalaxyl. More research is needed on appropriate storage methods for pearl millet, but current recommendations are that the grain be stored at a maximum moisture of 12–13%. was domesticated as a food crop in the tropical region of West Africa at least 4000 years ago.

At this time, 4000 pounds per acre would be a reasonable yield on goods soils, with 3000 pounds typical on more marginal soils. Rust has occasionally appeared in southeastern states, usually on later planted pearl millet. Spring Forage Barley (Lavina) - Beardless. SmartMix is the best cover crop decision making tool in the industry. New varieties of pearl millet, however, are being developed for use as a grain crop. Combines must be adjusted to properly thresh the small seed of pearl millet. New varieties of pearl millet, however, are being developed for use as a grain crop. Thus, gross income based on these yields will be well under $200 per acre if corn is priced below $2.50/bushel. This higher protein and other feed characteristics have helped drive the interest in the grain by poultry producers and other livestock producers. Nitrogen needs can certainly be met from organic sources, such as animal manure or a leguminous cover crop. Since the seed size is smaller than sorghum and corn, it is more difficult to force air through it in a grain drier. Although the seed are not likely to shatter, it is desirable to harvest as soon after seed maturity as plant dry down allows, to avoid unnecessary grain loss to birds or storm-caused stem lodging. These new hybrid types of pearl millet are shorter in stature, for easier combining, and higher in seed yield. Sorghum is often used in birdseed mixes, but pearl millet may be more attractive to certain songbirds.