You open a port, or create an endpoint, to a virtual machine (VM) in Azure by creating a network filter on a subnet or VM network interface. In this post (part 2), I will show you how to implement this in your own Azure setup using the Azure Portal. VM0 receives RDP traffic on port 3389 (the standard port for RDP) and never needs to do any tricks to support the non-standard port 8088; hence staying compatible with other clients that rely on port 3389 for RDP access. You installed IIS on the back-end VMs and used the load balancer's public IP address to test the load balancer. You are behind a firewall that doesn’t allow access to standard ports like 3389 for RDP or 1433 for SQL Server. In this section, you'll install Internet Information Services (IIS) on the back-end servers, and customize the default web page to show the machine name. Create a virtual network with two virtual machines, and add the VMs to the back-end pool of your load balancer. The client hits the Azure Load Balancer through its public IP (PIP) and the NAT rule engine selects an inbound NAT rule. In this section you'll need to replace the following parameters in the steps with the information below: In this section, you'll create a virtual network and subnet. I am two-times Microsoft®-awarded AZURE HERO® in the categories Content and Community.
“Conquer tomorrow with intelligent use of the Cloud.”. This NAT rule then redirects the traffic into the VM0s internal IP ( on port 3389. It is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers. In this post, I will show you how to use the Azure Load Balancer to easily setup port forwarding to Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Virtual Machines (VM).
Professor Robert McMillen shows you how to port forward traffic to a virtual machine in Microsoft Azure by editing the firewall using the portal. I am two-times Microsoft®-awarded AZURE HERO® in the categories Content and Community. Create load balancer inbound NAT port-forwarding rules.

A client tries to access an Azure VM based on IP and port 8088 using the RDP (remote desktop) protocol. You learn how to: If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin. Under Settings, select Inbound security rules, and then select Add.

Under Settings, select Inbound NAT rules, and then select Add. Enter username azureuser and password Azure1234567, and select OK. Use PowerShell to install IIS and replace the default IIS web page with a page that displays the name of the VM.

The RDP connection succeeds, because the inbound NAT rule MyNATRuleVM2 directs traffic from the load balancer's front-end port 4222 to MyVM2's port 3389 (the RDP port).